ggstatsplot (version 0.0.12)

gghistostats: Histogram for distribution of a numeric variable


Histogram with statistical details from one-sample test included in the plot as a subtitle.


gghistostats(data, x, binwidth = NULL, bar.measure = "count",
  xlab = NULL, stat.title = NULL, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL, type = "parametric", test.value = 0,
  bf.prior = 0.707, bf.message = TRUE, robust.estimator = "onestep",
  effsize.type = "g", effsize.noncentral = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95,
  nboot = 100, k = 2, ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
  ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE, fill.gradient = FALSE,
  low.color = "#0072B2", high.color = "#D55E00", bar.fill = "grey50",
  results.subtitle = TRUE, centrality.para = "mean",
  centrality.color = "blue", centrality.size = 1,
  centrality.linetype = "dashed", centrality.line.labeller = TRUE,
  centrality.k = 2, test.value.line = FALSE,
  test.value.color = "black", test.value.size = 1,
  test.value.linetype = "dashed", test.line.labeller = TRUE,
  test.k = 0, normal.curve = FALSE, normal.curve.color = "black",
  normal.curve.linetype = "solid", normal.curve.size = 1,
  ggplot.component = NULL, return = "plot", messages = TRUE)



A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. A matrix or tables will not be accepted.


A numeric variable.


The width of the histogram bins. Can be specified as a numeric value, or a function that calculates width from x. The default is to use the max(x) - min(x) / sqrt(N). You should always check this value and explore multiple widths to find the best to illustrate the stories in your data.


Character describing what value needs to be represented as height in the bar chart. This can either be "count", which shows number of points in bin, or "density", which density of points in bin, scaled to integrate to 1, or "proportion", which shows relative frequencies of observations in each bin, or "mix", which shows both count and proportion in the same plot.


Labels for x and y axis variables. If NULL (default), variable names for x and y will be used.


A character describing the test being run, which will be added as a prefix in the subtitle. The default is NULL. An example of a stat.title argument will be something like "Student's t-test: ".


The text for the plot title.


The text for the plot subtitle. Will work only if results.subtitle = FALSE.


The text for the plot caption.


Type of statistic expected ("parametric" or "nonparametric" or "robust" or "bayes").Corresponding abbreviations are also accepted: "p" (for parametric), "np" (nonparametric), "r" (robust), or "bf"resp.


A number specifying the value of the null hypothesis (Default: 0).


A number between 0.5 and 2 (default 0.707), the prior width to use in calculating Bayes factors.


Logical that decides whether to display Bayes Factor in favor of the null hypothesis. This argument is relevant only for parametric test (Default: TRUE).


If test = "robust" robust estimator to be used ("onestep" (Default), "mom", or "median"). For more, see ?WRS2::onesampb.


Type of effect size needed for parametric tests. The argument can be "biased" ("d" for Cohen's d) or "unbiased" ("g" Hedge's g for t-test). The default is


Logical indicating whether to use non-central t-distributions for computing the confidence interval for Cohen's d or Hedge's g (Default: TRUE).


Scalar between 0 and 1. If unspecified, the defaults return 95% lower and upper confidence intervals (0.95).


Number of bootstrap samples for computing confidence interval for the effect size (Default: 100).


Number of digits after decimal point (should be an integer) (Default: k = 2).


A function, ggplot2 theme name. Default value is ggplot2::theme_bw(). Any of the ggplot2 themes, or themes from extension packages are allowed (e.g., ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight(), hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_ps(), etc.).


Logical that decides whether theme_ggstatsplot theme elements are to be displayed along with the selected ggtheme (Default: TRUE).


Logical decides whether color fill gradient is to be displayed (Default: FALSE). If FALSE, the legend and the color gradient will also be removed. The default is set to FALSE because the gradient provides redundant information in light of y-axis labels.

low.color, high.color

Colors for low and high ends of the gradient. Defaults are colorblind-friendly.


If fill.gradient = FALSE, then bar.fill decides which color will uniformly fill all the bars in the histogram (Default: "grey50").


Decides whether the results of statistical tests are to be displayed as a subtitle (Default: TRUE). If set to FALSE, only the plot will be returned.


Decides which measure of central tendency ("mean" or "median") is to be displayed as a vertical line.


Decides color for the vertical line for centrality parameter (Default: "blue").


Decides size for the vertical line for centrality parameter (Default: 1.2).


Decides linetype for the vertical line for centrality parameter (Default: "dashed").


A logical that decides whether line labels should be displayed for the centrality.para line (Default: TRUE).


Integer denoting the number of decimal places expected for centrality parameter label. (Default: 2).


Decides whether test value is to be displayed as a vertical line (Default: FALSE).


Decides color for the vertical line denoting test value (Default: "black").


Decides size for the vertical line for test value (Default: 1.2).


Decides linetype for the vertical line for test value (Default: "dashed").


A logical that decides whether line labels should be displayed for test.value line (Default: TRUE).


Integer denoting the number of decimal places expected for test.value label. (Default: 0 ).


Logical decides whether to super-impose a normal curve using stats::dnorm(mean(x), sd(x)). Default is FALSE.

normal.curve.color, normal.curve.linetype, normal.curve.size

If normal.curve = TRUE, then these arguments can be used to modify color (Default: "black"), size (default: 1.0), linetype (default: "solid").


A ggplot component to be added to the plot prepared by ggstatsplot. This argument is primarily helpful for grouped_ variant of the current function. Default is NULL. The argument should be entered as a function. If the given function has an argument axes.range.restrict and if it has been set to TRUE, the added ggplot component might not work as expected.


Character that describes what is to be returned: can be "plot" (default) or "subtitle" or "caption". Setting this to "subtitle" will return the expression containing statistical results, which will be a NULL if you set results.subtitle = FALSE. Setting this to "caption" will return the expression containing details about Bayes Factor analysis, but valid only when type = "p" and bf.message = TRUE, otherwise this will return a NULL.


Decides whether messages references, notes, and warnings are to be displayed (Default: TRUE).


See Also

grouped_gghistostats, ggdotplotstats, grouped_ggdotplotstats


Run this code
# most basic function call with the defaults
# this is the **only** function where data argument can be `NULL`
  data = ToothGrowth,
  x = len,
  xlab = "Tooth length",
  centrality.para = "median"

# a detailed function call
  data = iris,
  x = Sepal.Length,
  bar.measure = "mix",
  type = "p",
  caption = substitute(paste(italic("Note"), ": Iris dataset by Fisher.")),
  bf.prior = 0.8,
  test.value = 3,
  test.value.line = TRUE,
  binwidth = 0.10,
  bar.fill = "grey50"
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab