gWidgets (version 0.0-54.2)

glayout: A container for aligning widgets in a table


A container for laying out widgets in a table. The widgets are added using matrix notation ([i,j]<-).


glayout(homogeneous = FALSE, spacing = 10, container = NULL, ..., toolkit = guiToolkit())



A logical indicating if the cells are all the same size


Spacing in pixels between cells


Optional container to attach widget to.

Passed to add method of container


Which GUI toolkit to use


Widgets are added using matrix notation. A widget can span several cells, for instance obj[1:2,2:3] <- widget would place the widget in the first and second rows and second and third columns. The matrix notation is to specify the space allocated to the widget.

For gWidgetstcltk, it is necessary for a child widget to have the layout object as its parent container and to call the [<- method to add the widget. (See the example.)

As a convenience, if the value to be assigned is a character it will be turned into a glabel object before being added.

Like ggroup, the extra argument expand can be used to force the widget to expand to fill all the space allocated to it.

Like ggroup, the extra argument anchor can by used to anchor the child within the space allocated when this space islarger than needed by the widget. This is specified as a pair of values from -1,0,1 to indicating the x and y positioning of the widget within the cell.

Like ggroup, the extra argument fill can by used when expand is given, but not anchor, to have the widget expand in the x direction, the y direction, or both (the default). (Toolkit specific).

The method [ can be used to subset. In the simplest usage, it returns the item at index i,j. (The item at i,j may be in other cells too. The return value is a gwidget if 1x1, a list if 1xn or mx1 (n>1), or a mxn matrix of items.


Run this code
  ## show part of mtcars dataframe in a layout
  w <- gwindow("glayout example")
  tbl <- glayout(container = w)
  tbl[1,1] <- "a label"
  ## need container argument in gWidgetstcltk, gWidgetsRwxwidgets
  ## so we always use it.
  tbl[1,2, expand = TRUE] <- gedit("edit here", container=tbl)
  tbl[2,1, anchor = c(-1,-1)] <- glabel("ll", container = tbl)

  ## extraction:
  tbl[1,1] # glabel instance
  tbl[1,2] # gedit instance, ...
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab