These functions are usually not called from the command line. They return data to compatible GUI clients, like Komodo Edit with the SciViews-K extension.
guiTestReport(object, sep = "\t", path = NULL, ...)guiSuiteList(sep = "\t", path = NULL, compare = TRUE)
guiTestFeedback(object, path = NULL, ...)
a 'svUnitData' object.
Field separator to use in the results.
Path where to write a 'Suites.txt' file with the list of
currently available test suites (to be used by the GUI client). If NULL
no file is written (by default).
Not used currently.
Do we compare the list of available test suite and return
something to the GUI client only if there are changes in the list? This is
used (when TRUE
) to avoid unnecessary multiple processing of the same list
by the GUI client.
returns the list of available test suites invisibly.
is used to establish a callback to automatically list
the available test suites in the GUI. It is not intended to be called
directly by the user. The other functions just return TRUE
are used for their side effect of sending data to compatible GUI clients.