caret (version 6.0-71)

histogram.train: Lattice functions for plotting resampling results


A set of lattice functions are provided to plot the resampled performance estimates (e.g. classification accuracy, RMSE) over tuning parameters (if any).


"histogram"(x, data = NULL, metric = x$metric, ...)
"densityplot"(x, data = NULL, metric = x$metric, ...)
"xyplot"(x, data = NULL, metric = x$metric, ...)
"stripplot"(x, data = NULL, metric = x$metric, ...)


An object produced by train
This argument is not used
A character string specifying the single performance metric that will be plotted
arguments to pass to either histogram, densityplot, xyplot or stripplot



By default, only the resampling results for the optimal model are saved in the train object. The function trainControl can be used to save all the results (see the example below).

If leave-one-out or out-of-bag resampling was specified, plots cannot be produced (see the method argument of trainControl)

For xyplot and stripplot, the tuning parameter with the most unique values will be plotted on the x-axis. The remaining parameters (if any) will be used as conditioning variables. For densityplot and histogram, all tuning parameters are used for conditioning.

Using horizontal = FALSE in stripplot works.

See Also

train, trainControl, histogram, densityplot, xyplot, stripplot


Run this code
## Not run: 
# library(mlbench)
# data(BostonHousing)
# library(rpart)
# rpartFit <- train(medv ~ .,
#                   data = BostonHousing,
#                   "rpart", 
#                   tuneLength = 9,
#                   trControl = trainControl(
#                     method = "boot", 
#                     returnResamp = "all"))
# densityplot(rpartFit,
#             adjust = 1.25)
# xyplot(rpartFit,
#        metric = "Rsquared",
#        type = c("p", "a"))
# stripplot(rpartFit,
#           horizontal = FALSE,
#           jitter = TRUE)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab