htmlTable (version 1.13.3)

htmlTable: Outputting HTML tables


This is a function for outputting a more advanced table than what xtable, ztable, or knitr's kable() allows. It's aim is to provide the Hmisc latex() colgroup and rowgroup functions in HTML. The html-output is designed for maximum compatibility with LibreOffice/OpenOffice.


htmlTable(x, ...)

# S3 method for default htmlTable( x, header, rnames, rowlabel, caption, tfoot, label, rgroup, n.rgroup, cgroup, n.cgroup, tspanner, n.tspanner, total, align = paste(rep("c", ncol(x)), collapse = ""), align.header = paste(rep("c", ncol(x)), collapse = ""), align.cgroup, css.rgroup = "font-weight: 900;", css.rgroup.sep = "", css.tspanner = "font-weight: 900; text-align: left;", css.tspanner.sep = "border-top: 1px solid #BEBEBE;", = "border-top: 1px solid #BEBEBE; font-weight: 900;", css.cell = "", css.cgroup = "", css.class = "gmisc_table", css.table = "margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;", pos.rowlabel = "bottom", pos.caption = "top", col.rgroup = "none", col.columns = "none", padding.rgroup = "  ", padding.tspanner = "", ctable = TRUE, compatibility = getOption("htmlTableCompat", "LibreOffice"), cspan.rgroup = "all", escape.html = FALSE, ... )

# S3 method for htmlTable knit_print(x, ...)

# S3 method for htmlTable print(x, useViewer, ...)


string Returns a string of class htmlTable

Multiple rows of column spanners <code>cgroup</code>

If you want to have a column spanner in multiple levels you can set the cgroup and n.cgroup arguments to a matrix or list.

If the different levels have different number of elements and you have provided a **matrix** you need to set the ones that lack elements to NA. For instance cgroup = rbind(c("first", "second", NA), c("a", "b", "c")). And the corresponding n,cgroup would be n.cgroup = rbind(c(1, 2, NA), c(2, 1, 2)). for a table consisting of 5 columns. The "first" spans the first two columns, the "second" spans the last three columns, "a" spans the first two, "b" the middle column, and "c" the last two columns.

It is recommended to use `list` as you will not have to bother with the `NA`.

If you want leav a cgroup empty then simply provide `""` as the cgroup.

The <code>rgroup</code> argument

The rgroup allows you to smoothly group rows. Each row within a group receives an indention of two blank spaces and are grouped with their corresponing rgroup element. The sum(n.rgroup) should always be equal or less than the matrix rows. If less then it will pad the remaining rows with either an empty rgroup, i.e. an "" or if the rgroup is one longer than the n.rgroup the last n.rgroup element will be calculated through nrow(x) - sum(n.rgroup) in order to make the table generating smoother.

The add attribute to <code>rgroup</code>

You can now have an additional element at the rgroup level by specifying the attr(rgroup, 'add'). The value can either be a vector, a list, or a matrix. See vignette("general", package = "htmlTable") for examples.

  • A vector of either equal number of rgroups to the number of rgroups that aren't empty, i.e. rgroup[rgroup != ""]. Or a named vector where the name must correspond to either an rgroup or to an rgroup number.

  • A list that has exactly the same requirements as the vector. In addition to the previous we can also have a list with column numbers within as names within the list.

  • A matrix with the dimensiont nrow(x) x ncol(x) or nrow(x) x 1 where the latter is equivalent to a named vector. If you have rownames these will resolve similarly to the names to the list/vector arguments. The same thing applies to colnames.

Important <span class="pkg">knitr</span>-note

This funciton will only work with knitr outputting html, i.e. markdown mode. As the function returns raw html-code the compatibility with non-html formatting is limited, even with pandoc.

Thanks to the the knit_print and the asis_output the results='asis' is no longer needed except within for-loops. If you have a knitr-chunk with a for loop and use print() to produce raw html you must set the chunk option results='asis'. Note: the print-function relies on the interactive() function for determining if the output should be sent to a browser or to the terminal. In vignettes and other directly knitted documents you may need to either set useViewer = FALSE alternatively set options( = TRUE).

RStudio's notebook

RStudio has an interactive notebook that allows output directly into the document. In order for the output to be properly formatted it needs to have the class of html. The htmlTable tries to identify if the environment is a notebook document (uses the rstudio api and identifies if its a file with and `Rmd` file ending or if ther is an element with `html_notebook`). If you don't want this behaviour you can remove it using the `options(htmlTable.skip_notebook = TRUE)`

Table counter

If you set the option table_counter you will get a Table 1,2,3 etc before each table, just set options(table_counter=TRUE). If you set it to a number then that number will correspond to the start of the table_counter. The table_counter option will also contain the number of the last table, this can be useful when referencing it in text. By setting the option options(table_counter_str = "<b>Table %s:</b> ") you can manipulate the counter table text that is added prior to the actual caption. Note, you should use the sprintf %s instead of %d as the software converts all numbers to characters for compatibility reasons. If you set options(table_counter_roman = TRUE) then the table counter will use Roman numumerals instead of Arabic.

The <code>css.cell</code> argument

The css.cell parameter allows you to add any possible CSS style to your table cells. css.cell can be either a vector or a matrix.

If css.cell is a vector, it's assumed that the styles should be repeated throughout the rows (that is, each element in css.cell specifies the style for a whole column of 'x').

In the case of css.cell being a matrix of the same size of the x argument, each element of x gets the style from the corresponding element in css.cell. Additionally, the number of rows of css.cell can be nrow(x) + 1 so the first row of of css.cell specifies the style for the header of x; also the number of columns of css.cell can be ncol(x) + 1 to include the specification of style for row names of x.

Note that the text-align CSS field in the css.cell argument will be overriden by the align argument.

Empty dataframes

An empty dataframe will result in a warning and output an empty table, provided that rgroup and n.rgroup are not specified. All other row layout options will be ignored.

Browsers and possible issues

Copy-pasting: As you copy-paste results into Word you need to keep the original formatting. Either right click and choose that paste option or click on the icon appearing after a paste. Currently the following compatibitilies have been tested with MS Word 2013:

  • Internet Explorer (v. 11.20.10586.0) Works perfectly when copy-pasting into Word

  • RStudio (v. 0.99.448) Works perfectly when copy-pasting into Word. Note: can have issues with multiline cgroups - see bug

  • Chrome (v. 47.0.2526.106) Works perfectly when copy-pasting into Word. Note: can have issues with multiline cgroups - see bug

  • Firefox (v. 43.0.3) Works poorly - looses font-styling, lines and general feel

  • Edge (v. 25.10586.0.0) Works poorly - looses lines and general feel

Direct word processor opening: Opening directly in LibreOffice or Word is no longer recommended. You get much prettier results using the cut-and-paste option.

Note that when using complex cgroup alignments with multiple levels not every browser is able to handle this. For instance the RStudio webkit browser seems to have issues with this and a bug has been filed.

As the table uses html for rendering you need to be aware of that headers, rownames, and cell values should try respect this for optimal display. Browsers try to compensate and frequently the tables still turn out fine but it is not advized. Most importantly you should try to use &lt; instead of < and &gt; instead of >. You can find a complete list of html characters here.

See Also

txtMergeLines, latex

Other table functions: tblNoLast(), tblNoNext()


Run this code
# Store all output into a list in order to
# output everything at once at the end
all_tables <- list()

# A simple output
output <- matrix(1:4,
                 dimnames = list(list("Row 1", "Row 2"),
                                 list("Column 1", "Column 2")))
htmlTable(output) ->
  all_tables[["Basic table"]]

# An advanced output
output <-
  matrix(ncol=6, nrow=8)

for (nr in 1:nrow(output)){
  for (nc in 1:ncol(output)){
    output[nr, nc] <-
      paste0(nr, ":", nc)

htmlTable(output, align="r",
          header =  paste(c("1st", "2nd",
                            "3rd", "4th",
                            "5th", "6th"),
          rnames = paste(c("1st", "2nd",
                           paste0(4:8, "th")),
          rgroup = paste("Group", LETTERS[1:3]),
          n.rgroup = c(2,4,nrow(output) - 6),
          cgroup = rbind(c("", "Column spanners", NA),
                         c("", "Cgroup 1", "Cgroup 2†")),
          n.cgroup = rbind(c(1,2,NA),
          caption="Basic table with both column spanners (groups) and row groups",
          tfoot="† A table footer commment",
          cspan.rgroup = 2,
          col.columns = c(rep("none", 2),
                          rep("#F5FBFF", 4)),
          col.rgroup = c("none", "#F7F7F7"),
          css.cell = "padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .2em;") ->
  all_tables[["Advanced table"]]

# An advanced empty table
output <- matrix(ncol = 6,
                 nrow = 0)

htmlTable(output, align="r",
          header =  paste(c("1st", "2nd",
                            "3rd", "4th",
                            "5th", "6th"),
          cgroup = rbind(c("", "Column spanners", NA),
                         c("", "Cgroup 1", "Cgroup 2†")),
          n.cgroup = rbind(c(1,2,NA),
          caption="Basic empty table with column spanners (groups) and ignored row colors",
          tfoot="† A table footer commment",
          cspan.rgroup = 2,
          col.columns = c(rep("none", 2),
                          rep("#F5FBFF", 4)),
          col.rgroup = c("none", "#F7F7F7"),
          css.cell = "padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .2em;") ->
  all_tables[["Empty table"]]

# An example of how to use the css.cell for header styling
simple_output <- matrix(1:4, ncol=2)
          header = LETTERS[1:2],
          css.cell = rbind(rep("background: lightgrey; font-size: 2em;", times=ncol(simple_output)),
                           matrix("", ncol=ncol(simple_output), nrow=nrow(simple_output)))) ->
  all_tables[["Header formatting"]]

# See vignette("tables", package = "htmlTable")
# for more examples
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab