huxtable (version 4.5.0)

huxtable-FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions


A FAQ of common issues.



  • LaTeX output isn't working.

Have you installed the LaTeX packages you need? LaTeX packages are different from R packages. Run check_latex_dependencies() to find out if you are missing any. Then install them using your system's LaTeX management application. Or you can try install_latex_dependencies().

  • Numbers in my cells look weird!

You can change numeric formatting using number_format(). Base R options like scipen usually have no effect.

  • I ran caption(ht) <- "Something" and got an error message:

Error in UseMethod("caption<-") :
no applicable method for 'caption<-' applied to an object of class "c('huxtable', 'data.frame')"

You may have loaded another package with a caption method, e.g. "xtable". Try loading huxtable after xtable.

  • My tables aren't centered correctly (LaTeX).

Try adjusting width(ht).

  • How can I change the font size, font etc. of captions?

There are no direct commands for this. You have to use raw HTML/TeX/other commands within the caption itself. For example to have a bold caption in HTML, you might do something like:

set_caption(jams, "<b>Jam Prices</b>")

  • How do I refer to tables in bookdown?

As of version 4.3.0, this is handled automatically for you. Just set the label using label(), then in markdown text do e.g.:


  • I have another problem.

If you have a bug - i.e. a problem with the software - or have a feature request, please report it to Otherwise, ask a question on StackOverflow or That way, other people will benefit from the answers you get.

  • Can I email you directly?

I'd rather you asked on a public website. If you then email me a link, I may be able to help.