icd9 (version 1.3.1)

icd9Explain: explain ICD9 codes


convert 'decimal' format (123.45 style) ICD9 codes into the name and description for human review there are official ICD9-CM data tables, not with conversion to decimal notation, but to the textual format.


icd9Explain(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9), doCondense = TRUE, brief = FALSE, warn = TRUE)
icd9ExplainShort(icd9Short, doCondense = TRUE, brief = FALSE, warn = TRUE)
icd9ExplainDecimal(icd9Decimal, doCondense = TRUE, brief = FALSE, warn = TRUE)
"icd9Explain"(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9), doCondense = TRUE, brief = FALSE, warn = TRUE)
"icd9Explain"(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9), doCondense = TRUE, brief = FALSE, warn = TRUE)
"icd9Explain"(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9), doCondense = TRUE, brief = FALSE, warn = TRUE)
"icd9Explain"(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9), doCondense = TRUE, brief = FALSE, warn = FALSE)


is a character vector or factor of ICD-9 codes. If fewer than five characters is given in a code, then the digits are greedily assigned to hundreds, then tens, then units, before the decimal parts. E.g. "10" becomes "010", not "0010".
single logical value which determines whether the ICD-9 code provided is in short (TRUE) or decimal (FALSE) form. Where reasonable, this is guessed from the input data.
single logical value which indicates whether to condense the given set of ICD-9 codes by replacing subsets of codes with 'parent' codes which exactly encompass certain subsets. E.g. If all cholera diagnoses are provided, only '001 - Cholera' needs to be displayed, not all subtypes.
single logical value, default is FALSE. If TRUE, the short description from the canonical CMS descriptions (included in extdata) will be used, otherwise the long description is used.
single logical value, default is TRUE, meaning that codes which do not correspond to diagnoses, or to three-digit codes, will trigger a warning.
is a character vector of ICD-9 codes. If fewer than five characters is given in a code, then the digits are greedily assigned to hundreds, then tens, then units, before the decimal parts. E.g. "10" becomes "010", not "0010"
character vector of ICD-9 codes. If fewer than five characters is given in a code, then the digits are greedily assigned to hundreds, then tens, then units, before the decimal parts. E.g. "10" becomes "010", not "0010"


data frame, or list of data frames, with fields for ICD9 code, name and description, derived from datamart lookup table

Methods (by class)

  • list: explain all ICD-9 codes in a list of vectors
  • factor: explain factor of ICD-9 codes
  • character: explain character vector of ICD-9 codes
  • numeric: explain numeric vector of ICD-9 codes, with warning. In general, this is not allowed because of the possible ambiguity of numeric decimal codes, but for convenience, this is allowed in this case to avoid typing many quotes.

See Also

package comorbidities


Run this code
icd9Explain(ahrqComorbid[[1]][1:3], brief = TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab