ggvis (version 0.4.5)

input_select: Create interactive control to select one (or more options) from a list.


  • input_radiobuttons only ever selects one value

  • input_checkboxgroup can alway select multiple values

  • input_select can select only one if multiple = FALSE, otherwise the user can select multiple by using modifier keys


input_select(choices, selected = NULL, multiple = FALSE, label = "",
  id = rand_id("select_"), map = identity, selectize = FALSE)

input_radiobuttons(choices, selected = NULL, label = "", id = rand_id("radio_"), map = identity)

input_checkboxgroup(choices, selected = NULL, label = "", id = rand_id("radio_"), map = identity)



List of values to select from. If elements of the list are named, then that name rather than the value is displayed to the user. This can also be a named list whose elements are (either named or unnamed) lists or vectors. If this is the case, the outermost names will be used as the "optgroup" label for the elements in the respective sublist. This allows you to group and label similar choices. See the example section for a small demo of this feature.


The initially selected value (or multiple values if multiple = TRUE). If not specified then defaults to the first value for single-select lists and no values for multiple select lists.


Is selection of multiple items allowed?


Display label for the control, or NULL for no label.


A unique identifier for this input. Usually generated automatically.


A function with single argument x, the value of the control on the client. Returns a modified value.


Whether to use selectize.js or not.

See Also

Other interactive input: input_checkbox, input_slider, input_text


Run this code
# Dropdown
input_select(c("a", "b", "c"))
input_select(c("a", "b", "c"), multiple = TRUE)
input_select(c("a", "b", "c"), selected = "c")

# If you want to select variable names, you need to convert
# the output of the input to a name with map so that they get
# computed correctly
input_select(names(mtcars), map =

# Radio buttons
input_radiobuttons(choices = c("Linear" = "lm", "LOESS" = "loess"),
                   label = "Model type")
input_radiobuttons(choices = c("Linear" = "lm", "LOESS" = "loess"),
                   selected = "loess",
                   label = "Model type")

# Used in layer_model_predictions
mtcars %>% ggvis(~wt, ~mpg) %>%
  layer_model_predictions(model = input_radiobuttons(
    choices = c("Linear" = "lm", "LOESS" = "loess"),
    selected = "loess",
    label = "Model type"))

# Checkbox group
mtcars %>% ggvis(x = ~wt, y = ~mpg) %>%
    fill := input_checkboxgroup(
      choices = c("Red" = "r", "Green" = "g", "Blue" = "b"),
      label = "Point color components",
      map = function(val) {
        rgb(0.8 * "r" %in% val, 0.8 * "g" %in% val, 0.8 * "b" %in% val)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab