swirl (version 2.4.5)

install_from_swirl: Install a course from the official course repository


We are currently maintaining a central repository of contributed swirl courses at https://github.com/swirldev/swirl_courses. This function provides the easiest method of installing a course form the repository.

We have another repository at https://github.com/swirldev/swirl_misc, where we keep experimental features and content. The dev argument allows you to access this repository. Content in the swirl_misc repository is not guaranteed to work.

The central repository of swirl courses is mirrored at https://bitbucket.org/swirldevmirror/swirl_courses. If you cannot access GitHub you can download swirl courses from bitbucket by using the mirror = "bitbucket" option (see below).


install_from_swirl(course_name, dev = FALSE, mirror = "github")



The name of the course you wish to install.


Set to TRUE to install a course in development from the swirl_misc repository.


Select swirl course repository mirror. Valid arguments are "github" and "bitbucket".

See Also

Other InstallCourses: InstallCourses, install_course_directory(), install_course_dropbox(), install_course_github(), install_course_google_drive(), install_course_url(), install_course_zip(), install_course(), uninstall_all_courses(), uninstall_course(), zip_course()


Run this code
install_from_swirl("R_Programming") # Directory name

### OR ###

install_from_swirl("R Programming") # Course name

# To install a course in development from the swirl_misc repository
install_from_swirl("Including Data", dev = TRUE)

# To install a course from the Bitbucket mirror
install_from_swirl("R Programming", mirror = "bitbucket")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab