intergraph (version 2.0-4)

intergraph-package: Coercion Routines for Network Data Objects


This package contains methods for coercion between various classes used to represent network data in R.



Written and maintained by Michal Bojanowski


Functions implemented in this package allow to coerce (i.e. convert) network data between classes provided by other R packages. Currently supported classes are: "network" from package network, "igraph" from package igraph.

The main functions are:

  • asNetwork and its methods to create objects of class "network".

  • asIgraph and its methods to create objects of class "igraph".

See their help pages for more information and examples.

As all the supported packages are written using S3 methods, so are the methods in this package.

If you find this package useful in your work please cite it. Type citation(package="intergraph") for the information how to do that.

See Also


Run this code
# example of converting objects between classes 'network' and 'igraph'
# needs packages igraph and network attached
if( require(network) & require(igraph) )

  ### convert 'network' -> 'igraph'

  # example network as object of class "network"

  # convert to class "igraph"
  g <- asIgraph(exNetwork)

  # check if 'exNetwork' and 'g' are the same
  # (dropping some aux attributes)
  all.equal( structure(as.matrix(exNetwork, "edgelist"), n=NULL, vnames=NULL),
    igraph::as_edgelist(g) )   

  # compare results using 'netcompare'
  netcompare(exNetwork, g)

  ### convert 'igraph' -> 'network'

  # example network as object of class "igraph"

  # convert to class "network"
  gg <- asNetwork(exIgraph)

  # check if they are the same
  # (dropping some attributes)
  all.equal( get.edgelist(exIgraph),
            structure(as.matrix(gg, "edgelist"), n=NULL, vnames=NULL))
  netcompare(exIgraph, gg)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab