VariantAnnotation (version 1.18.5)

isSNV: Identification of genomic variant types.


Functions for identifying variant types such as SNVs, insertions, deletions, transitions, and structural rearrangements.


"isSNV"(x, ...) "isSNV"(x, ...) "isSNV"(x, ..., singleAltOnly = TRUE)
"isInsertion"(x, ...) "isInsertion"(x, ...) "isInsertion"(x, ..., singleAltOnly = TRUE)
"isDeletion"(x, ...) "isDeletion"(x, ...) "isDeletion"(x, ..., singleAltOnly = TRUE)
"isIndel"(x, ...) "isIndel"(x, ...) "isIndel"(x, ..., singleAltOnly = TRUE)
"isDelins"(x, ...) "isDelins"(x, ...) "isDelins"(x, ..., singleAltOnly = TRUE)
"isTransition"(x, ...) "isTransition"(x, ...) "isTransition"(x, ..., singleAltOnly = TRUE)
"isSubstitution"(x, ...) "isSubstitution"(x, ...) "isSubstitution"(x, ..., singleAltOnly = TRUE)


A VCF or VRanges object.
A logical only applicable when x is a CollapsedVCF class.

When TRUE (default) only variants with a single alternate allele are evaluated; all multi-alt variants evaluate to FALSE. When singleAltOnly=FALSE all ref / alt pairs for each variant are evaluated. If any ref / alt pairs meet the test criteria a value of TRUE is returned for the variant; this may result in a value of TRUE for a variant with a mixture of alternate alleles, some that pass the criteria and some that do not. To retain single ref / alt pairs that pass the critera use expand on the CollapsedVCF and then apply the test.

Arguments passed to other methods.


A logical vector the same length as x.


All functions return a logical vector the length of x. Variants in gvcf files with NON_REF alt alleles return TRUE; structural variants return FALSE.
  • isSNV: Reference and alternate alleles are both a single nucleotide long.
  • isInsertion: Reference allele is a single nucleotide and the alternate allele is greater (longer) than a single nucleotide and the first nucleotide of the alternate allele matches the reference.
  • isDeletion: Alternate allele is a single nucleotide and the reference allele is greater (longer) than a single nucleotide and the first nucleotide of the reference allele matches the alternate.
  • isIndel: The variant is either a deletion or insertion as determined by isDeletion and isInsertion.
  • isDelins: The variant is a deletion followed by an insertion, either of them involving two or more nucleotides.
  • isSubstition: Reference and alternate alleles are the same length (1 or more nucleotides long).
  • isTransition: Reference and alternate alleles are both a single nucleotide long. The reference-alternate pair interchange is of either two-ring purines (A <-> G) or one-ring pyrimidines (C <-> T).


Run this code
  fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex2.vcf", package="VariantAnnotation")
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## VCF objects 
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  vcf <- readVcf(fl, "hg19")
  DataFrame(ref(vcf), alt(vcf))

  ## This vcf has transitions in row 2 and 3. When 'singleAltOnly=TRUE' 
  ## only the row 2 variant is identified:

  ## Both row 2 and 3 are identified when 'singleAltOnly=FALSE':
  isTransition(vcf, singleAltOnly=FALSE)

  ## Expand the CollapsedVCF to ExpandedVCF
  evcf <- expand(vcf)
  ## All ref / alt pairs are now expanded and there is no need to 
  ## use 'singleAltOnly'. The return length is now 7 instead of 5:
  transition <- isTransition(evcf)
  DataFrame(ref(evcf)[transition], alt(evcf)[transition])
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## VRanges objects 
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## A VRanges object holds data from a VCF class in a completely
  ## 'flat' fashion. INFO and FORMAT variables for all subjects are
  ## 'repped' out such that each row is a unique combination of data.
  vr <- as(vcf, "VRanges")
  isSNV(vr, singleAltOnly=FALSE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab