pls (version 2.1-0)

jack.test: Jackknife approximate t tests of regression coefficients


Performes approximate t tests of regression coefficients based on jackknife variance estimates.


jack.test(object, ncomp = object$ncomp, use.mean = TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'jacktest':
print(x, P.values = TRUE, \dots)



  • jack.test returns an object of class "jacktest", with components
  • coefficientsThe estimated regression coefficients
  • sdThe square root of the jackknife variance estimates
  • tvaluesThe $t$ statistics
  • dfThe `degrees of freedom' used for calculating $p$ values
  • pvaluesThe calculated $p$ values
  • print.jacktest returns the "jacktest" object (invisibly).


The jackknife variance estimates are known to be biased (see var.jack). Also, the distribution of the regression coefficient estimates and the jackknife variance estimates are unknown (at least in PLSR/PCR). Consequently, the distribution (and in particular, the degrees of freedom) of the resulting $t$ statistics is unknown. The present code simply assumes a $t$ distribution with $m - 1$ degrees of freedom, where $m$ is the number of cross-validation segments.

Therefore, the resulting $p$ values should not be used uncritically, and should perhaps be regarded as mere indicator of (non-)significance.

Finally, also keep in mind that as the number of predictor variables increase, the problem of multiple tests increases correspondingly.


jack.test uses the variance estimates from var.jack to perform $t$ tests of the regression coefficients. The resulting object has a print method, print.jacktest, which uses printCoefmat for the actual printing.


Martens H. and Martens M. (2000) Modified Jack-knife Estimation of Parameter Uncertainty in Bilinear Modelling by Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR). Food Quality and Preference, 11, 5--16.

See Also

var.jack, mvrCv


Run this code
mod <- pcr(sensory ~ chemical, data = oliveoil, validation = "LOO", jackknife = TRUE)
jack.test(mod, ncomp = 2)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab