ggraph (version 2.0.0)

layout_tbl_graph_unrooted: Create an unrooted layout using equal-angle or equal-daylight


When drawing unrooted trees the standard dendrogram layout is a bad fit as it implicetly creates a visual root node. Instead it is possible to spread the leafs out on the plane without putting any special emphasis on a particular node using an unrooted layout. The standard algorithm is the equal angle algorithm, but it can struggle with optimising the leaf distribution for large trees trees with very uneven branch lenght. The equal daylight algorithm modifies the output of the equal angle algorithm to better disperse the leaves, at the cost of higher computational cost and the possibility of edge crossings for very large unbalanced trees. For standard sized trees the daylight algorithm is far superior and not too heavy so it is the default.


layout_tbl_graph_unrooted(graph, daylight = TRUE, length = NULL,
  tolerance = 0.05, rotation_mod = 1, maxiter = 100,
  circular = FALSE)



A tbl_graph object


Should equal-daylight adjustments be made


An expression evaluating to the branch length of each edge


The threshold for mean angular adjustment before terminating the daylight adjustment


A modifier for the angular adjustment of each branch. Set it below 1 to let the daylight adjustment progress more slowly


The maximum number of iterations in the the daylight adjustment




A data.frame with the columns x, y, circular, leaf as well as any information stored as node variables in the tbl_graph object.


Felsenstein, J. (2004) Drawing Trees, in Inferring Phylogenies. Sinauer Assoc., pp 573-584

See Also

Other layout_tbl_graph_*: layout_tbl_graph_auto, layout_tbl_graph_backbone, layout_tbl_graph_centrality, layout_tbl_graph_circlepack, layout_tbl_graph_dendrogram, layout_tbl_graph_eigen, layout_tbl_graph_fabric, layout_tbl_graph_focus, layout_tbl_graph_hive, layout_tbl_graph_igraph, layout_tbl_graph_linear, layout_tbl_graph_manual, layout_tbl_graph_matrix, layout_tbl_graph_partition, layout_tbl_graph_pmds, layout_tbl_graph_stress, layout_tbl_graph_treemap