CITAN (version 2014.12-1)

lbsCreate: Create a Local Bibliometric Storage


Creates an empty Local Bibliometric Storage.


lbsCreate(conn, verbose = TRUE)


a connection object, see lbsConnect.
logical; TRUE to be more verbose.


  • TRUE on success.


The function may be executed only if the database contains no tables named Biblio_* and no views named ViewBiblio_*.

The following SQL code is executed. CREATE TABLE Biblio_Categories (\cr -- Source classification codes (e.g. ASJC)\cr IdCategory INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC,\cr IdCategoryParent INTEGER NOT NULL,\cr Description VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL,\cr FOREIGN KEY(IdCategoryParent) REFERENCES Biblio_Categories(IdCategory)\cr );

CREATE TABLE Biblio_Sources ( IdSource INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, AlternativeId VARCHAR(31) UNIQUE NOT NULL, Title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, IsActive BOOLEAN, IsOpenAccess BOOLEAN, Type CHAR(2) CHECK (Type IN ('bs', 'cp', 'jo')), -- Book Series / Conference Proceedings / Journal -- or NULL in all other cases Impact1 REAL, -- value of an impact factor Impact2 REAL, -- value of an impact factor Impact3 REAL, -- value of an impact factor Impact4 REAL, -- value of an impact factor Impact5 REAL, -- value of an impact factor Impact6 REAL, -- value of an impact factor );

CREATE TABLE Biblio_SourcesCategories ( -- links Sources and Categories IdSource INTEGER NOT NULL, IdCategory INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(IdSource, IdCategory), FOREIGN KEY(IdSource) REFERENCES Biblio_Sources(IdSource), FOREIGN KEY(IdCategory) REFERENCES Biblio_Categories(IdCategory) );

CREATE TABLE Biblio_Documents ( IdDocument INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, IdSource INTEGER, AlternativeId VARCHAR(31) UNIQUE NOT NULL, Title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, BibEntry TEXT, -- (e.g. Source Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Article Number,PageStart,PageEnd) Year INTEGER, Pages INTEGER, Citations INTEGER NOT NULL, Type CHAR(2) CHECK (Type IN ('ar', 'ip', 'bk', 'cp', 'ed', 'er', 'le', 'no', 'rp', 're', 'sh')), -- Article-ar / Article in Press-ip / Book-bk / -- Conference Paper-cp / Editorial-ed / Erratum-er / -- Letter-le/ Note-no / Report-rp / Review-re / Short Survey-sh -- or NULL in all other cases FOREIGN KEY(IdSource) REFERENCES Biblio_Sources(IdSource), FOREIGN KEY(IdLanguage) REFERENCES Biblio_Languages(IdLanguage) );

CREATE TABLE Biblio_Citations ( IdDocumentParent INTEGER NOT NULL, # cited document IdDocumentChild INTEGER NOT NULL, # reference PRIMARY KEY(IdDocumentParent, IdDocumentChild), FOREIGN KEY(IdDocumentParent) REFERENCES Biblio_Documents(IdDocument), FOREIGN KEY(IdDocumentChild) REFERENCES Biblio_Documents(IdDocument) );

CREATE TABLE Biblio_Surveys ( -- each call to lbsImportDocuments() puts a new record here, -- they may be grouped into so-called 'Surveys' using 'Description' field IdSurvey INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Description VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL, -- survey group name FileName VARCHAR(63), -- original file name Timestamp DATETIME -- date of file import );

CREATE TABLE Biblio_DocumentsSurveys ( -- note that the one Document may often be found in many Surveys IdDocument INTEGER NOT NULL, IdSurvey INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(IdDocument, IdSurvey), FOREIGN KEY(IdSurvey) REFERENCES Biblio_Surveys(IdSurvey), FOREIGN KEY(IdDocument) REFERENCES Biblio_Documents(IdDocument) );

CREATE TABLE Biblio_Authors ( IdAuthor INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Name VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL, AuthorGroup VARCHAR(31), # used to merge authors with non-unique representations );

CREATE TABLE Biblio_AuthorsDocuments ( -- links Authors and Documents IdAuthor INTEGER NOT NULL, IdDocument INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(IdAuthor, IdDocument), FOREIGN KEY(IdAuthor) REFERENCES Biblio_Authors(IdAuthor), FOREIGN KEY(IdDocument) REFERENCES Biblio_Documents(IdDocument) );

In addition, the following views are created. CREATE VIEW ViewBiblio_DocumentsSurveys AS SELECT Biblio_DocumentsSurveys.IdDocument AS IdDocument, Biblio_DocumentsSurveys.IdSurvey AS IdSurvey, Biblio_Surveys.Description AS Description, Biblio_Surveys.Filename AS Filename, Biblio_Surveys.Timestamp AS Timestamp FROM Biblio_DocumentsSurveys JOIN Biblio_Surveys ON Biblio_DocumentsSurveys.IdSurvey=Biblio_Surveys.IdSurvey;

CREATE VIEW ViewBiblio_DocumentsCategories AS SELECT IdDocument AS IdDocument, DocSrcCat.IdCategory AS IdCategory, DocSrcCat.Description AS Description, DocSrcCat.IdCategoryParent AS IdCategoryParent, Biblio_Categories.Description AS DescriptionParent FROM ( SELECT Biblio_Documents.IdDocument AS IdDocument, Biblio_SourcesCategories.IdCategory AS IdCategory, Biblio_Categories.Description AS Description, Biblio_Categories.IdCategoryParent AS IdCategoryParent FROM Biblio_Documents JOIN Biblio_SourcesCategories ON Biblio_Documents.IdSource=Biblio_SourcesCategories.IdSource JOIN Biblio_Categories ON Biblio_SourcesCategories.IdCategory=Biblio_Categories.IdCategory ) AS DocSrcCat JOIN Biblio_Categories ON DocSrcCat.IdCategoryParent=Biblio_Categories.IdCategory;

See Also

lbsConnect, lbsClear, Scopus_ImportSources, lbsTidy


Run this code
conn <- lbsConnect("Bibliometrics.db");
## ...
## ...

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab