LEA (version 1.4.0)

lfmm.data: Input file for lfmm


Description of the lfmm format. The lfmm format can be used as an input format for genotypic matrices in the functions snmf, lfmm, and pca.



The lfmm format has one row for each individual. Each row contains one value at each loci (separated by spaces or tabulations) corresponding to the number of alleles. The number of alleles corresponds to the number of reference alleles or the number of derived alleles. Missing genotypes are encoded by the value -9 or 9.

Here is an example of a genotypic matrix using the lfmm format with 3 individuals and 4 loci:

1 0 0 1
1 1 9 2
2 0 1 1

See Also

lfmm geno2lfmm lfmm2geno ancestrymap2lfmm ped2lfmm read.lfmm write.lfmm