rbokeh (version 0.5.0)

ly_text: Add a "text" layer to a Bokeh figure


Add a "text" layer to a Bokeh figure


ly_text(fig, x, y = NULL, text = NULL, data = figure_data(fig),
  color = "black", alpha = 1, angle = 0, align = NULL,
  baseline = NULL, font = NULL, font_size = NULL, font_style = NULL,
  x_offset = NULL, y_offset = NULL, legend = NULL, lname = NULL,
  lgroup = NULL, visible = TRUE)



figure to modify


x coordinates of text anchors


y coordinates of text anchors


text values to render


an optional data frame, providing the source for inputs x, y, text, and other glyph properties


text color values for the text


text alpha values for the text


angle to rotate the text in radians


text align values for the text ("left", "right", "center")


text baseline values for the text ("top", "middle", "bottom", "alphabetic", "hanging")


text font values for the text


text font size values for the text


text font style values for the text ("normal", "italic", "bold")


offset values to apply to the x-coordinates


offset values to apply to the y-coordinates


either a logical specifying not to plot a legend for this layer (FALSE) or a string indicating the name of the legend entry for this layer (note that when mapping plot attributes to variables in data, a legend is automatically created and does not need to be specified - see "Mapped plot attributes and legends" below)


layer name


layer group


should the layer be visible?

Mapped plot attributes and legends

When specifying an input data frame for a layer through the data argument, columns of data can be used to specify various plot attributes such as color, etc. For example, with ly_points(..., data = iris, color = Species), the Species variable is used to determine how to color the points. Here, Species is "mapped" to the color attribute. Both continuous and categorical variables can be mapped. In the case of continuous variables, the range is cut into slices and attributes are applied to each interval. The mapping from the values of the variable to the actual plot attributes is determined based on the theme.

See Also

Other layer functions: ly_abline, ly_annular_wedge, ly_annulus, ly_arc, ly_bar, ly_bezier, ly_boxplot, ly_contour, ly_crect, ly_curve, ly_density, ly_hist, ly_image_url, ly_image, ly_lines, ly_map, ly_multi_line, ly_oval, ly_patch, ly_points, ly_polygons, ly_quadratic, ly_quantile, ly_ray, ly_rect, ly_segments, ly_wedge


Run this code
# prepare data
elements <- subset(elements, !is.na(group))
elements$group <- as.character(elements$group)
elements$period <- as.character(elements$period)

# add colors for groups
metals <- c("alkali metal", "alkaline earth metal", "halogen",
  "metal", "metalloid", "noble gas", "nonmetal", "transition metal")
colors <- c("#a6cee3", "#1f78b4", "#fdbf6f", "#b2df8a", "#33a02c",
  "#bbbb88", "#baa2a6", "#e08e79")
elements$color <- colors[match(elements$metal, metals)]
elements$type <- elements$metal

# make coordinates for labels
elements$symx <- paste(elements$group, ":0.1", sep = "")
elements$numbery <- paste(elements$period, ":0.8", sep = "")
elements$massy <- paste(elements$period, ":0.15", sep = "")
elements$namey <- paste(elements$period, ":0.3", sep = "")

# create figure
p <- figure(title = "Periodic Table", tools = "",
  ylim = as.character(c(7:1)), xlim = as.character(1:18),
  xgrid = FALSE, ygrid = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "",
  height = 600, width = 1200) %>%

# plot rectangles
ly_crect(group, period, data = elements, 0.9, 0.9,
  fill_color = color, line_color = color, fill_alpha = 0.6,
  hover = list(name, atomic.number, type, atomic.mass,
    electronic.configuration)) %>%

# add symbol text
ly_text(symx, period, text = symbol, data = elements,
  font_style = "bold", font_size = "15pt",
  align = "left", baseline = "middle") %>%

# add atomic number text
ly_text(symx, numbery, text = atomic.number, data = elements,
  font_size = "9pt", align = "left", baseline = "middle") %>%

# add name text
ly_text(symx, namey, text = name, data = elements,
  font_size = "6pt", align = "left", baseline = "middle") %>%

# add atomic mass text
ly_text(symx, massy, text = atomic.mass, data = elements,
  font_size = "6pt", align = "left", baseline = "middle")

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab