batchtools (version 0.9.11)

makeClusterFunctionsDocker: ClusterFunctions for Docker


Cluster functions for Docker/Docker Swarm (

The submitJob function executes docker [docker.args] run --detach=true [image.args] [resources] [image] [cmd]. Arguments docker.args, image.args and image can be set on construction. The resources part takes the named resources ncpus and memory from submitJobs and maps them to the arguments --cpu-shares and --memory (in Megabytes). The resource threads is mapped to the environment variables “OMP_NUM_THREADS” and “OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS”. To reliably identify jobs in the swarm, jobs are labeled with “batchtools=[job.hash]” and named using the current login name (label “user”) and the job hash (label “batchtools”).

listJobsRunning uses docker [docker.args] ps --format={{.ID}} to filter for running jobs.

killJobs uses docker [docker.args] kill [] to filter for running jobs.

These cluster functions use a Hook to remove finished jobs before a new submit and every time the Registry is synchronized (using syncRegistry). This is currently required because docker does not remove terminated containers automatically. Use docker ps -a --filter 'label=batchtools' --filter 'status=exited' to identify and remove terminated containers manually (or usa a cron job).


makeClusterFunctionsDocker(image, docker.args = character(0L),
  image.args = character(0L), scheduler.latency = 1, fs.latency = 65)



[character(1)] Name of the docker image to run.


[character] Additional arguments passed to “docker” *before* the command (“run”, “ps” or “kill”) to execute (e.g., the docker host).


[character] Additional arguments passed to “docker run” (e.g., to define mounts or environment variables).


[numeric(1)] Time to sleep after important interactions with the scheduler to ensure a sane state. Currently only triggered after calling submitJobs.


[numeric(1)] Expected maximum latency of the file system, in seconds. Set to a positive number for network file systems like NFS which enables more robust (but also more expensive) mechanisms to access files and directories. Usually safe to set to 0 to disable the heuristic, e.g. if you are working on a local file system.



See Also

Other ClusterFunctions: makeClusterFunctionsInteractive, makeClusterFunctionsLSF, makeClusterFunctionsMulticore, makeClusterFunctionsOpenLava, makeClusterFunctionsSGE, makeClusterFunctionsSSH, makeClusterFunctionsSlurm, makeClusterFunctionsSocket, makeClusterFunctionsTORQUE, makeClusterFunctions