janitor (version 1.2.0)

make_clean_names: Cleans a vector of text, typically containing the names of an object.


Resulting strings are unique and consist only of the _ character, numbers, and letters. Capitalization preferences can be specified using the case parameter.

For use on the names of a data.frame, e.g., in a `%>%` pipeline, call the convenience function clean_names.

Accented characters are transliterated to ASCII. For example, an "o" with a German umlaut over it becomes "o", and the Spanish character "enye" becomes "n".


make_clean_names(string, case = c("snake", "lower_camel", "upper_camel",
  "screaming_snake", "lower_upper", "upper_lower", "all_caps",
  "small_camel", "big_camel", "old_janitor", "parsed", "mixed", "none"))



A character vector of names to clean.


The desired target case (default is "snake"), indicated by these possible values:

  • "snake" produces snake_case

  • "lower_camel" or "small_camel" produces lowerCamel

  • "upper_camel" or "big_camel" produces UpperCamel

  • "screaming_snake" or "all_caps" produces ALL_CAPS

  • "lower_upper" produces lowerUPPER

  • "upper_lower" produces UPPERlower

  • old_janitor: legacy compatibility option to preserve behavior of clean_names prior to addition of the "case" argument(janitor versions <= 0.3.1 ). Provided as a quick fix for old scripts broken by the changes to clean_names in janitor v1.0.

  • "parsed", "mixed", "none": less-common cases offered by snakecase::to_any_case. See to_any_case for details.


Returns the "cleaned" character vector.


Run this code
# cleaning the names of a vector:
x <- structure(1:3, names = c("name with space", "TwoWords", "total $ (2009)"))
names(x) <- make_clean_names(names(x))
x # now has cleaned names
# if you prefer camelCase variable names:
make_clean_names(names(x), "small_camel")

# similar to janitor::clean_names(poorly_named_df):
# not run:
# make_clean_names(names(poorly_named_df))

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab