semTools (version 0.5-1)

semTools-deprecated: Deprecated functions in package semTools.


The functions listed below are deprecated and will be defunct in the near future. When possible, alternative functions with similar functionality are also mentioned. Help pages for deprecated functions are available at help("semTools-deprecated").


longInvariance(model, varList, auto = "all", constrainAuto = FALSE,
  fixed.x = TRUE, = FALSE, group = NULL, group.equal = "",
  group.partial = "", strict = FALSE, warn = TRUE, debug = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE, fit.measures = "default", baseline.model = NULL,
  method = "satorra.bentler.2001", ...)

measurementInvariance(..., = FALSE, strict = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, fit.measures = "default", baseline.model = NULL, method = "satorra.bentler.2001")

measurementInvarianceCat(..., = FALSE, strict = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, fit.measures = "default", baseline.model = NULL, method = "default")

standardizeMx(object, free = TRUE)


Previous measurement-invariance functions

The measurementInvariance, measurementInvarianceCat, and longInvariance functions will no longer be supported. Instead, use the measEq.syntax function, which is much more flexible and supports a wider range of data (e.g., any mixture of numeric and ordered indicators, any combination of multiple groups and repeated measures, models fit to multiple imputations with runMI).


The standardizeMx and fitMeasuresMx functions will no longer be supported, nor will there be replacement functions. Their functionality is now available in the OpenMx package, making these functions obsolete. The utility functions nullMx and saturateMx will also no longer be supported. These have already been removed from semTools, except that standardizeMx remains deprecated due to the temporary depndency on it of the semPlot package. The exception is that mxStandardizeRAMpaths currently only provides standardized estimates of covariance-structure parameters, whereas standardizeMx also provides standardized means.