spatstat (version 1.44-0)

mergeLevels: Merge Levels of a Factor


Specified levels of the factor will be merged into a single level.


mergeLevels(.f, ...)


A factor (or a factor-valued pixel image or a point pattern with factor-valued marks).
List of name=value pairs, where name is the new merged level, and value is the vector of old levels that will be merged.


  • Another factor of the same length as .f (or object of the same kind as .f).

Tips for manipulating factor levels

To remove unused levels from a factor f, just type f <- factor(f).

To change the ordering of levels in a factor, use factor(f, levels=l) or relevel(f, ref).


This utility function takes a factor .f and merges specified levels of the factor.

The grouping is specified by the arguments ... which must each be given in the form new=old, where new is the name for the new merged level, and old is a character vector containing the old levels that are to be merged.

The result is a new factor (or factor-valued object), in which the levels listed in old have been replaced by a single level new.

An argument of the form name=character(0) or name=NULL is interpreted to mean that all other levels of the old factor should be mapped to name.

See Also

factor, relevel


Run this code
likert <- c("Strongly Agree", "Agree", "Neutral",
               "Disagree", "Strongly Disagree")
   answers <- factor(sample(likert, 15, replace=TRUE), levels=likert)
   mergeLevels(answers, Positive=c("Strongly Agree", "Agree"),
                        Negative=c("Strongly Disagree", "Disagree"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab