mlr3 (version 0.1.1)

Resampling: Resampling Class


This is the abstract base class for resampling objects like ResamplingCV and ResamplingBootstrap.

The objects of this class define how a task is partitioned for resampling (e.g., in resample() or benchmark()), using a set of hyperparameters such as the number of folds in cross-validation.

Resampling objects can be instantiated on a Task, which applies the strategy on the task and manifests in a fixed partition of row_ids of the Task.

Predefined resamplings are stored in the Dictionary mlr_resamplings, e.g. cv or bootstrap.



R6::R6Class object.


Note: This object is typically constructed via a derived classes, e.g. ResamplingCV or ResamplingHoldout.

r = Resampling$new(id, param_set, param_vals)
  • id :: character(1) Identifier for the resampling strategy.

  • param_set :: paradox::ParamSet Set of hyperparameters.

  • param_vals :: named list() List of hyperparameter settings.


  • id :: character(1) Identifier of the learner.

  • param_set :: paradox::ParamSet Description of available hyperparameters and hyperparameter settings.

  • hash :: character(1) Hash (unique identifier) for this object.

  • instance :: any During instantiate(), the instance is stored in this slot. The instance can be in any arbitrary format.

  • is_instantiated :: logical(1) Is TRUE, if the resampling has been instantiated.

  • duplicated_ids :: logical(1) Is TRUE if this resampling strategy may have duplicated row ids in a single training set or test set. E.g., this is TRUE for Bootstrap, and FALSE for cross validation.

  • iters :: integer(1) Return the number of resampling iterations, depending on the values stored in the param_set.

  • task_hash :: character(1) The hash of the task which was passed to r$instantiate().


  • instantiate(task) Task -> self Materializes fixed training and test splits for a given task and stores them in r$instance.

  • train_set(i) integer(1) -> (integer() | character()) Returns the row ids of the i-th training set.

  • test_set(i) integer(1) -> (integer() | character()) Returns the row ids of the i-th test set.

See Also

Other Resampling: mlr_resamplings


Run this code
r = mlr_resamplings$get("subsampling")

# Default parametrization

# Do only 3 repeats on 10% of the data
r$param_set$values = list(ratio = 0.1, repeats = 3)

# Instantiate on iris task
task = mlr_tasks$get("iris")

# Extract train/test sets
train_set = r$train_set(1)
intersect(train_set, r$test_set(1))

# Another example: 10-fold CV
r = mlr_resamplings$get("cv")$instantiate(task)

# Stratification
task = mlr_tasks$get("pima")
prop.table(table(task$truth())) # moderately unbalanced

r = mlr_resamplings$get("subsampling")
prop.table(table(task$truth(r$train_set(1)))) # roughly same proportion
# }

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