mlr3spatiotempcv (version 1.0.0)

mlr_tasks_cookfarm: Cookfarm Profiles Regression Task


The R.J. Cook Agronomy Farm (cookfarm) is a Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Site operated by Washington State University, located near Pullman, Washington, USA. Contains spatio-temporal (3D+T) measurements of three soil properties and a number of spatial and temporal regression covariates.

Here, only the "Profiles" dataset is used from the collection. The Date column was appended from the readings dataset. 500 random samples were drawn from the complete sample.

The dataset was borrowed and adapted from package GSIF which was on archived on CRAN in 2021-03.





R6::R6Class inheriting from TaskRegr.




Gasch, C.K., Hengl, T., Gr<U+00E4>ler, B., Meyer, H., Magney, T., Brown, D.J., 2015. Spatio-temporal interpolation of soil water, temperature, and electrical conductivity in 3D+T: the Cook Agronomy Farm data set. Spatial Statistics, 14, pp.70<U+2013>90.

Gasch, C.K., D.J. Brown, E.S. Brooks, M. Yourek, M. Poggio, D.R. Cobos, C.S. Campbell, 2016? Retroactive calibration of soil moisture sensors using a two-step, soil-specific correction. Submitted to Vadose Zone Journal.

Gasch, C.K., D.J. Brown, C.S. Campbell, D.R. Cobos, E.S. Brooks, M. Chahal, M. Poggio, 2016? A field-scale sensor network data set for monitoring and modeling the spatial and temporal variation of soil moisture in a dryland agricultural field. Submitted to Water Resources Research.

See Also

Dictionary of Tasks: mlr_tasks for a complete table of all (also dynamically created) Tasks.

Other Task: TaskClassifST, TaskRegrST, mlr_tasks_diplodia, mlr_tasks_ecuador