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lubridate (version 0.2.3)

new_interval: Create an interval object.


Create an interval object.


new_interval(date2, date1)


a POSIXt or Date date-time object
a POSIXt or Date date-time object


  • an interval object


new_interval creates an interval object with the specified start and end dates. new_interval automatically assigns the date that occurs first in time as the start date and the date that occurs later as the end date. As a result, intervals are always positive.

Intervals are time spans bound by two real date-times. Intervals can be accurately converted to either period or duration objects using as.period, as.duration. Since an interval is anchored to a fixed history of time, both the exact number of seconds that passed and the number of variable length time units that occurred during the interval can be calculated. Subtracting two date times automatically creates an interval object.

See Also

interval, as.interval


Run this code
new_interval(ymd(20090201), ymd(20090101))
# 2009-01-01 -- 2009-02-01 

date1 <- as.POSIXct("2009-03-08 01:59:59")
date2 <- as.POSIXct("2000-02-29 12:00:00")
new_interval(date2, date1)
# 2000-02-29 12:00:00 -- 2009-03-08 01:59:59
new_interval(date1, date2)
# 2000-02-29 12:00:00 -- 2009-03-08 01:59:59

span <- new_interval(ymd(20090201), ymd(20090101))
# [1] 2009-01-01 -- 2009-02-01 
span - days(30)
# 2009-01-01 -- 2009-01-02
span + months(6)
# 2009-01-01 -- 2009-08-01 

start <- attr(span, "start")
# "2009-01-01 UTC"
end <- start + span
# "2009-02-01 UTC"}

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