roadoi (version 0.2)

oadoi_fetch: Fetch open access status information and full-text links from oaDOI


This is the main function to retrieve comprehensive open acccess status information from the oaDOI service. Please play nice with the API. At the moment only 100k request are allowed per user and day. For more info see


oadoi_fetch(dois = NULL, email = getOption("roadoi_email"),
  .progress = "none")



character vector, search by a single DOI or many DOIs. A rate limit of 100k requests per day is suggested. If you need to access more data, use the data dump instead.


character vector, required! It is strongly encourage to tell oaDOI your email adress, so that they can track usage and notify you when something breaks. Set email address in your `.Rprofile` file with the option `roadoi_email` options(roadoi_email = "").


Shows the plyr-style progress bar. Options are "none", "text", "tk", "win", and "time". See create_progress_bar for details of each. By default, no progress bar is displayed.


The result is a tibble with each row representing a publication and and the following columns.

[,1] `_best_open_url` link to free full-text
[,2] doi DOI
[,3] doi_resolver DOI agency
[,4] evidence A phrase summarizing the step of the open access detection process where the full-text links were found.
[,5] found_green logical indicating whether a self-archived copy in a repository was found
[,6] found_hybrid logical indicating whether an open access article was published in a toll-access journal
[,7] free_fulltext_url URL where the free version was found
[,8] green_base_collections internal collection ID from the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
[,9] is_boai_license TRUE whenever the license indications are Creative Commons - Attribution (CC BY), Creative Commons CC - Universal(CC 0)) or Public Domain. These permissive licenses comply with the highly-regarded Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access
[,10] is_free_to_read TRUE if freely available full-text was found
[,11] is_subscription_journal TRUE if article is published in toll-access journal
[,12] license Contains the name of the Creative Commons license associated with the free_fulltext_url, whenever one was found.
[,13] oa_color OA delivered by journal (gold), by repository (green) or others (blue)
[,14] `_open_base_ids` ids of oai metadata records with open access full-text links collected by the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
[,15] `_open_urls` full-text url
[,16] `reported_noncompliant_copies` links to free full-texts found provided by service often considered as not open access compliant, e.g. ResearchGate
[,17] url the canonical DOI UR
[,18] year publishing year

The columns `_open_base_ids`, `_open_urls`, and `reported_noncompliant_copies`, are list-columns and may have multiple entries.


Run this code
oadoi_fetch(dois = c("10.1016/j.jbiotec.2010.07.030",

# you can unnest list-columns with tidyr:
tt %>%
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab