cSFM (version 1.1)

legendre.polynomials: Orthogonal Legendre Polynomials Basis System


Generate Legendre polynomials as an orthogonal basis system in the interval [0, 1]. The set of polynomial functions are used to be the eigenfunctions to generate the covariance matrix of a latent process.


legendre.polynomials(t, degree, normalized = TRUE)


the set of values to be evaluated, taking values from [0, 1]
the polynomial degree of the function, taking values as 0 (constant), 1 (linear), 2 (quadratic) and 3 (cubic)
logical value; If TRUE (default) then the values are normalized such that the $L2$ norm of the function values is 1


  • A vector which are the evaluations of the Legendre polynomial function at t.


Legendre polynomials can take any integers as degree, however, it is sufficent for most applications up to degree = 3. It is also messy to obtain the exploit expression for a degree greater than 3. The logical value normalized take TRUE as the default, which means the generated eigenfunction basis matrix will be an orthogonal matrix.

See Also



Run this code
# time points 
t <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = 100)
# basis matrix evaluated at the time points t
# an intercept column is included
Phi <- cbind(legendre.polynomials(t, degree = 0), legendre.polynomials(t, degree = 1),
             legendre.polynomials(t, degree = 2), legendre.polynomials(t, degree = 3))
# check the orthogonality
crossprod(Phi) # is equal to I_4 up to rounding errors
# plot the basis system excluding the constant column
matplot(t, Phi[,2:4], type = "l", lwd = 2, lty = 1:3, 
        ylab = "basis function", main = "Legendre Polynomials (normalized)")
legend("top", c("linear", "quadratic", "cubic"), col = 1:3, lwd = 2, lty = 1:3)

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