pls (version 1.2-1) Orthogonal scores PLSR


Fits a PLSR model with the orthogonal scores algorithm (aka the NIPALS algorithm).

Usage, Y, ncomp, stripped = FALSE,
               tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, ...)


a matrix of observations. NAs and Infs are not allowed.
a vector or matrix of responses. NAs and Infs are not allowed.
the number of components to be used in the modelling.
logical. If TRUE the calculations are stripped as much as possible for speed; this is meant for use with cross-validation or simulations when only the coefficients are needed. Defaults to FALSE.
numeric. The tolerance used for determining convergence in multi-response models.
other arguments. Currently ignored.


  • A list containing the following components is returned:
  • coefficientsan array of regression coefficients for 1, ..., ncomp components. The dimensions of coefficients are c(nvar, npred, ncomp) with nvar the number of X variables and npred the number of variables to be predicted in Y.
  • scoresa matrix of scores.
  • loadingsa matrix of loadings.
  • loading.weightsa matrix of loading weights.
  • Yscoresa matrix of Y-scores.
  • Yloadingsa matrix of Y-loadings.
  • projectionthe projection matrix used to convert X to scores.
  • Xmeansa vector of means of the X variables.
  • Ymeansa vector of means of the Y variables.
  • fitted.valuesan array of fitted values. The dimensions of fitted.values are c(nobj, npred, ncomp) with nobj the number samples and npred the number of Y variables.
  • residualsan array of regression residuals. It has the same dimensions as fitted.values.
  • Xvara vector with the amount of X-variance explained by each number of components.
  • XtotvarTotal variance in X.
  • If stripped is TRUE, only the components coefficients, Xmeans and Ymeans are returned.




This function should not be called directly, but through the generic functions plsr or mvr with the argument method="oscorespls". It implements the orthogonal scores algorithm, as described in Martens and N�s (1989). This is one of the two classical PLSR algorithms, the other being the orthogonal loadings algorithm.


Martens, H., N�s, T. (1989) Multivariate calibration. Chichester: Wiley.

See Also

mvr plsr pcr