rosm (version 0.3.0)

as.tile_source: Deprecated interface


The previous interface for rosm was written to support idioms that are no longer prevalent in modren r-spatial code. These functions may continue to exist; however, their use is not encouraged and the functions may be removed in a future release.


as.tile_source(x, ...)


source_from_url_format( url_format, max_zoom = tile.maxzoom.default(), min_zoom = 0, attribution = NULL, extension = tools::file_ext(url_format[1]), ... )


set_default_tile_source(x, ...)




bmaps.plot(bbox, type = "Aerial", key = NULL, ...)

extract_bbox(x, tolatlon = TRUE, ...)

osm.plot( bbox, zoomin = 0, zoom = NULL, type = NULL, forcedownload = FALSE, stoponlargerequest = TRUE, fusetiles = TRUE, cachedir = NULL, res = 150, project = TRUE, progress = c("text", "none"), quiet = TRUE, ... )

osm.image( x, zoomin = 0, zoom = NULL, type = NULL, forcedownload = FALSE, cachedir = NULL, progress = c("text", "none"), quiet = TRUE )

osm.raster( x, zoomin = 0, zoom = NULL, type = "osm", forcedownload = FALSE, cachedir = NULL, progress = c("text", "none"), quiet = TRUE, projection = NULL, crop = FALSE, filename = NULL, resample = "bilinear", ... )

osm.points(x, y = NULL, epsg = 4326, toepsg = 3857, ...)

osm.segments(x0, y0, x1 = x0, y1 = y0, epsg = 4326, toepsg = 3857, ...)

osm.lines(x, y = NULL, epsg = 4326, toepsg = 3857, ...)

osm.polygon(x, y = NULL, epsg = 4326, toepsg = 3857, ...)

osm.text(x, y = NULL, labels = seq_along(x), epsg = 4326, toepsg = 3857, ...)

makebbox(n, e, s, w)

zoombbox(bbox, factor = 1, offset = c(0, 0))


x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1, url_format, max_zoom, min_zoom, attribution, extension



Arguments passed to other methods


A bounding box as generated by sp::bbox()


A map type; one of that returned by osm.types. User defined types are possible by defining tile.url.TYPENAME <- function(xtile, ytile, zoom){} and passing TYPENAME as the type argument.

key, tolatlon, epsg, toepsg, labels, n, e, s, w, factor, offset



The amount by which to adjust the automatically calculated zoom (or manually specified if the zoom parameter is passed). Use +1 to zoom in, or -1 to zoom out.


Manually specify the zoom level (not reccomended; adjust zoomin or res instead.


TRUE if cached tiles should be re-downloaded. Useful if some tiles are corrupted.


By default osm.plot will only load 32 tiles at a time. If plotting at a higher resolution it may be necessary to pass true here.


TRUE if tiles should be fused into a single image. This is the default because white lines appear between tiles if it is set to FALSE. PDFs appear not to have this problem, so when plotting large, high resolution PDFs it may be faster (and more memory efficient) to use fusetiles=FALSE.


The directory in which tiles should be cached. Defaults to getwd()/rosm.cache.


The resolution used to calculate scale.


TRUE if tiles should be projected to a pseudo-mercator projection, FALSE if lat/lon should be maintained. Becuase sp::plot adjusts the aspect according to latitude for lat/lon coordinates, this makes little difference at high zoom and may make plotting overlays more convenient. Defaults to TRUE.


A progress bar to use, or "none" to suppress progress updates


Pass FALSE to see more error messages, particularly if your tiles do not download/load properly.


A map projection in which to reproject the RasterStack as generated by CRS() or Spatial*@proj4string. If a Spatial* object is passed as the first argument, this argument will be ignored.


TRUE if results should be cropped to the specified bounding box (see x), FALSE otherwise.


A filename to which the raster should be written (see raster::writeRaster()). Use a ".tif" extension to write as a GeoTIFF.


One of "ngb" (nearest neighbour) or "bilinear". Passed to projectRaster.