utils (version 3.2.3)

packageStatus: Package Management Tools


Summarize information about installed packages and packages available at various repositories, and automatically upgrade outdated packages.


packageStatus(lib.loc = NULL, repositories = NULL, method, type = getOption("pkgType"))
"summary"(object, ...)
"update"(object, lib.loc = levels(object$inst$LibPath), repositories = levels(object$avail$Repository), ...)
"upgrade"(object, ask = TRUE, ...)


a character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.
a character vector of URLs describing the location of R package repositories on the Internet or on the local machine.
Download method, see download.file.
type of package distribution: see install.packages.
an object of class "packageStatus" as returned by packageStatus.
if TRUE, the user is prompted which packages should be upgraded and which not.
currently not used.


An object of class "packageStatus". This is a list with two components
a data frame with columns as the matrix returned by installed.packages plus "Status", a factor with levels c("ok", "upgrade", "unavailable"). Only the newest version of each package is reported, in the first repository in which it appears.
a data frame with columns as the matrix returned by available.packages plus "Status", a factor with levels c("installed", "not installed").
For the summary method the result is also of class "summary.packageStatus" with additional components
a list with one element for each library
a list with one element for each repository
with the elements being lists of character vectors of package name for each status.


The URLs in repositories should be full paths to the appropriate contrib sections of the repositories. The default is contrib.url(getOption("repos")).

There are print and summary methods for the "packageStatus" objects: the print method gives a brief tabular summary and the summary method prints the results.

The update method updates the "packageStatus" object. The upgrade method is similar to update.packages: it offers to install the current versions of those packages which are not currently up-to-date.

See Also

installed.packages, available.packages


Run this code
## Not run: 
# x <- packageStatus()
# print(x)
# summary(x)
# upgrade(x)
# x <- update(x)
# print(x)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab