lattice (version 0.17-10)

panel.axis: Panel Function for Drawing Axis Ticks and Labels


panel.axis is the function used by lattice to draw axes. It is typically not used by users, except those wishing to create advanced annotation. Keep in mind issues of clipping when trying to use it as part of the panel function. current.panel.limits can be used to retrieve a panel's x and y limits.


panel.axis(side = c("bottom", "left", "top", "right"),
           labels = TRUE,
           draw.labels = TRUE,
           check.overlap = FALSE,
           outside = FALSE,
           ticks = TRUE,
           half = !outside,
           tck = as.numeric(ticks),
           rot = if (is.logical(labels)) 0 else c(90, 0),
           text.col, text.alpha, text.cex, text.font,
           text.fontfamily, text.fontface,
           line.col, line.lty, line.lwd, line.alpha)

current.panel.limits(unit = "native")



current.panel.limits returns a list with components xlim and ylim, which are both numeric vectors of length 2, giving the scales of the current panel (viewport). The values correspond to the unit system specified by unit, by default "native".


panel.axis can draw axis tick marks inside or outside a panel (more precisely, a grid viewport). It honours the (native) axis scales. Used in panel.pairs for splom, as well as for all the usual axis drawing by the print method for "trellis" objects. It can also be used to enhance plots after the fact by adding axes.

See Also

Lattice, xyplot, trellis.focus, unit