HH (version 2.3-15)

panel.bwplot.intermediate.hh: Panel functions for bwplot.


Panel function for bwplot that give the user control over the placement of the boxes. When used with a positioned factor, the boxes are placed according to the position associated with the factor.


panel.bwplot.intermediate.hh(x, y, horizontal = TRUE,
          pch, col,
          at=if (horizontal) levels(as.factor(y)) else levels(as.factor(x)),  ## S-Plus only


x, y, pch, col, horizontal
S-Plus only. The HH library transposes "trellis" bwplot objects to put the response variable on the vertical axis. R does the equivalent by placing the response variable on the left side of the "~" i
S-Plus only. bwplot in S-Plus gets x and y as numeric. level and position information is not sent through, therefore we need to specify it here when non-default positions ar
Extra arguments, if any, for 'panel.bwplot'.


Heiberger, Richard M. and Holland, Burt (2004b). Statistical Analysis and Data Display: An Intermediate Course with Examples in S-Plus, R, and SAS. Springer Texts in Statistics. Springer. ISBN 0-387-40270-5.

See Also

panel.xyplot, xyplot, interaction2wt, position