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panel.lift2: Lattice Panel Functions for Lift Plots


Two panel functions that be used in conjunction with lift.


panel.lift(x, y, ...)

panel.lift2(x, y, pct = 0, ...)



panel.lift plots the data with a simple (black) 45 degree reference line.

panel.lift2 is the default for lift and plots the data points with a shaded region encompassing the space between to the random model and perfect model trajectories. The color of the region is determined by the lattice reference.line information (see example below).

See Also

lift, panel.xyplot, xyplot, trellis.par.set


Run this code
simulated <- data.frame(obs = factor(rep(letters[1:2], each = 100)),
                        perfect = sort(runif(200), decreasing = TRUE),
                        random = runif(200))

regionInfo <- trellis.par.get("reference.line")
regionInfo$col <- "lightblue"
trellis.par.set("reference.line", regionInfo)

lift(obs ~ random, data = simulated, type = "o")

## use a different panel function
liftPlot <- lift(obs ~ random, data = simulated, type = "o")
update(liftPlot, panel = panel.lift)

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