lattice (version 0.20-34)

F_1_panel.pairs: Default Superpanel Function for splom


This is the default superpanel function for splom.


panel.pairs(z, panel = lattice.getOption("panel.splom"), lower.panel = panel, upper.panel = panel, diag.panel = "diag.panel.splom", as.matrix = FALSE, groups = NULL, panel.subscripts, subscripts, pscales = 5, prepanel.limits = scale.limits, varnames = colnames(z), varname.col, varname.cex, varname.font, varname.fontfamily, varname.fontface, axis.text.col, axis.text.cex, axis.text.font, axis.text.fontfamily, axis.text.fontface, axis.text.lineheight, axis.line.col, axis.line.lty, axis.line.lwd, axis.line.alpha, axis.line.tck, ...) diag.panel.splom(x = NULL, varname = NULL, limits, at = NULL, labels = NULL, draw = TRUE, tick.number = 5, varname.col, varname.cex, varname.lineheight, varname.font, varname.fontfamily, varname.fontface, axis.text.col, axis.text.alpha, axis.text.cex, axis.text.font, axis.text.fontfamily, axis.text.fontface, axis.text.lineheight, axis.line.col, axis.line.alpha, axis.line.lty, axis.line.lwd, axis.line.tck, ...)


The data frame used for the plot.
panel, lower.panel, upper.panel
The panel function used to display each pair of variables. If specified, lower.panel and upper.panel are used for panels below and above the diagonal respectively.

In addition to extra arguments not recognized by panel.pairs, the list of arguments passed to the panel function also includes arguments named i and j, with values indicating the row and column of the scatterplot matrix being plotted.

The panel function used for the diagonals. See arguments to diag.panel.splom to know what arguments this function is passed when called. Use diag.panel=NULL to suppress plotting on the diagonal panels.
logical. If TRUE, the layout of the panels will have origin on the top left instead of bottom left (similar to pairs). This is in essence the same functionality as provided by as.table for the panel layout
Grouping variable, if any
logical specifying whether the panel function accepts an argument named subscripts.
The indices of the rows of z that are to be displayed in this (super)panel.
Controls axis labels, passed down from splom. If pscales is a single number, it indicates the approximate number of equally-spaced ticks that should appear on each axis. If pscales is a list, it should have one component for each column in z, each of which itself a list with the following valid components:

at: a numeric vector specifying tick locations

labels: character vector labels to go with at

limits: numeric 2-vector specifying axis limits (should be made more flexible at some point to handle factors)

These are specifications on a per-variable basis, and used on all four sides in the diagonal cells used for labelling. Factor variables are labelled with the factor names. Use pscales=0 to supress the axes entirely.

A function to calculate suitable axis limits given a single argument x containing a data vector. The return value of the function should be similar to the xlim or ylim argument documented in xyplot; that is, it should be a numeric or DateTime vector of length 2 defining a range, or a character vector representing levels of a factor.

Most high-level lattice plots (such as xyplot) use the prepanel function for deciding on axis limits from data. This function serves a similar function by calculating the per-variable limits. These limits can be overridden by the corresponding limits component in the pscales list.

data vector corresponding to that row / column (which will be the same for diagonal ‘panels’).
(scalar) character string or expression that is to be written centred within the panel
numeric of length 2, or, vector of characters, specifying the scale for that panel (used to calculate tick locations when missing)
locations of tick marks
optional labels for tick marks
A logical flag specifying whether to draw the tick marks and labels. If FALSE, variable names are shown but axis annotation is omitted.
A Numeric scalar giving the suggested number of tick marks.
A character or expression vector or giving names to be used for the variables in x. By default, the column names of x.
Color for the variable name in each diagonal panel. See gpar for details on this and the other graphical parameters listed below.
Size multiplier for the variable name in each diagonal panel.
Line height for the variable name in each diagonal panel.
varname.font, varname.fontfamily, varname.fontface
Font specification for the variable name in each diagonal panel.
Color for axis label text.
Size multiplier for axis label text.
axis.text.font, axis.text.fontfamily, axis.text.fontface
Font specification for axis label text.
Line height for axis label text.
Alpha-transparency for axis label text.
Color for the axes.
Line type for the axes.
Line width for the axes.
Alpha-transparency for the axes.
A numeric multiplier for the length of tick marks in diagonal panels.
Further arguments, passed on to panel, lower.panel, upper.panel, and diag.panel from panel.pairs. Currently ignored by diag.panel.splom.


panel.pairs is the function that is actually used as the panel function in a "trellis" object produced by splom.

See Also



Run this code

Cmat <- outer(1:6,1:6,
              function(i,j) rainbow(11, start=.12, end=.5)[i+j-1])

splom(~diag(6), as.matrix = TRUE,
      panel = function(x, y, i, j, ...) {
          panel.text(.5,.5, paste("(",i,",",j,")",sep=""))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab