hydroPSO (version 0.4-1)

params2ecdf: Parameter Values -> Empirical CDFs


This function computes (weighted) empirical CDFs (ECDFs) for each calibrated parameter, by using the parameter values obtained during the optimisation with hydroPSO (with optional plot)


params2ecdf(params, ...)

# S3 method for default params2ecdf(params, param.names=NULL, gofs=NULL, MinMax=NULL, beh.thr=NA, weights=NULL, byrow=FALSE, plot=TRUE, obs=NULL, main=NULL, nrows="auto", ylab="Probability", col="blue", leg.cex=1.2, leg.pos="topleft", cex.axis=1.2, cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, verbose=TRUE, ..., do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900, png.res=90, png.fname="Params_ECDFs.png") # S3 method for matrix params2ecdf(params, param.names=colnames(params), gofs=NULL, MinMax=NULL, beh.thr=NA, weights, byrow=FALSE, plot=TRUE, obs=NULL, main=NULL, nrows="auto", ylab="Probability", col="blue", leg.cex=1.2, leg.pos="topleft", cex.axis=1.2, cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, verbose=TRUE, ..., do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900, png.res=90, png.fname="Params_ECDFs.png") # S3 method for data.frame params2ecdf(params, param.names=colnames(params), gofs=NULL, MinMax=NULL, beh.thr=NA, weights, byrow=FALSE, plot=TRUE, obs=NULL, main=NULL, nrows="auto", ylab="Probability", col="blue", leg.cex=1.2, leg.pos="topleft", cex.axis=1.2, cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, verbose=TRUE, ..., do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900, png.res=90, png.fname="Params_ECDFs.png")



matrix or data.frame with the parameter values, where each row represent a different parameter set and each column represent the value of a different model parameter


character vector, names to be used for each parameter in params (by default its column names)


OPTIONAL. numeric with the values of goodness-of-fit values for each parameter in params (in the same order!)


OPTIONAL. character, indicates if the optimum value in params corresponds to the minimum or maximum of the the objective function. Only used to identify the optimum in the plot Valid values are in: c('min', 'max')


numeric, used for selecting only the behavioural parameter sets, i.e. those with a goodness-of-fit value (as given in gofs) greater/less than or equal to beh.thr, depending on the value of MinMax By default beh.thr=NA and all the parameter sets are considered for the subsequent anlysis


numeric vector, values of the weights to be used for computing the empirical CDFs Omitting the weights argument or specifying NULL or a zero-length vector will result in the usual un-weighted estimates


logical, indicates whether the computations have to be made for each column or for each row of params When the parameter sets are stored in rows, i.e. values for different model's parameter are stored in columns, byrow must be FALSE When the parameter sets are stored in columns, i.e. values for different model's parameter are stored in rows, byrow must be TRUE


logical, indicates whether a plot with the Empirical CDF for each model's parameter has to be produced or not


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE Numeric or zoo object with observed values (one for each params), which are used in the output plot


an overall title for the plot


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE numeric, number of rows to be used in the plotting window. If nrows is set to auto, the number of rows is automatically computed depending on the number of columns of params


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE a title for the y axis. See plot


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE a specification for the default plotting colour. See par


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE character expansion factor *relative* to current 'par("cex")'. Used for text, and provides the default for 'pt.cex' and 'title.cex'. Default value = 1.2


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE keyword to be used to position the legend. See legend


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE numeric, magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE numeric, magnification to be used for main titles relative to the current setting of cex


OPTIONAL. Only used when plot=TRUE numeric, magnification to be used for x and y labels relative to the current setting of cex


logical, if TRUE, progress messages are printed

further arguments passed to the plot function or from other methods


logical, indicates if all the figures have to be saved into PNG files instead of the screen device


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE numeric with the width of the device. See png


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE numeric with the height of the device. See png


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE numeric with the nominal resolution in ppi which will be recorded in the PNG file, if a positive integer of the device. See png


OPTIONAL. Only used when do.png=TRUE character, with the filename used to store the PNG file

See Also

wtd.Ecdf, quant2ecdf


Run this code
# Setting the user's home directory as working directory

# matrix with 100 random uniform parameter sets (in rows) for 10 different model's 
# parameters (in columns)
params           <- matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol=10, nrow=100)
colnames(params) <- paste("Param", 1:10, sep="")

# empirical CDFs for each one of the 10 parameters in 'params', with equal weight 
# for each one of the 100 parameter sets
params2ecdf(params, weights=rep(1,100)) 
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab