tcR (version 1.1)

parse.file.list: Parse files from the given vector or list with filepaths and return list with data.frames.


Given the vector or list with filepaths, parse each file to a data frame and combine them in a list. List items have names similar to names in the given vector if filenames.


parse.file.list(.filenames, .barcode.flag = F)


Vector or list with paths to files with TCR data.
If T than load MiTCR data.frames with new column Barcode.count and without column Min.quality.


  • List with data frame for the each name in the given filepaths.

See Also

parse.file, parse.folder


Run this code
# Parse files "~/data/immdata1.txt" and "~/data/immdat2.txt".
immdata12 <- parse.file.list(c("~/data/immdata1.txt", "~/data/immdata2.txt"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab