nlme (version 3.1-86)

pdClasses: Positive-Definite Matrix Classes


Standard classes of positive-definite matrices (pdMat) structures available in the nlme library.



Available standard classes:pdSymmgeneral positive-definite matrix, with no additional structurepdLogCholgeneral positive-definite matrix, with no additional structure, using a log-Cholesky parameterizationpdDiagdiagonalpdIdentmultiple of an identitypdCompSymmcompound symmetry structure (constant diagonal and constant off-diagonal elements)pdBlockedblock-diagonal matrix, with diagonal blocks of any "atomic" pdMat classpdNaturalgeneral positive-definite matrix in natural parametrization (i.e. parametrized in terms of standard deviations and correlations). The underlying coefficients are not unrestricted, so this class should NOT be used for optimization.


Pinheiro, J.C., and Bates, D.M. (2000) "Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS", Springer.

See Also

pdBlocked, pdCompSymm, pdDiag, pdFactor, pdIdent, pdMat, pdMatrix, pdNatural, pdSymm, pdLogChol