spatstat (version 1.46-1)

pixellate.psp: Convert Line Segment Pattern to Pixel Image


Converts a line segment pattern to a pixel image by measuring the length or number of lines intersecting each pixel.


"pixellate"(x, W=NULL, ..., weights = NULL, what=c("length", "number"))


Line segment pattern (object of class "psp").
Optional window (object of class "owin") determining the pixel resolution.
Optional arguments passed to as.mask to determine the pixel resolution.
Optional vector of weights associated with each line segment.
String (partially matched) indicating whether to compute the total length of intersection (what="length", the default) or the total number of segments intersecting each pixel (what="number").


A pixel image (object of class "im") with numeric values.


This function converts a line segment pattern to a pixel image by computing, for each pixel, the total length of intersection between the pixel and the line segments. Alternatively it can count the number of line segments intersecting each pixel. This is a method for the generic function pixellate for the class of line segment patterns.

The pixel raster is determined by W and the optional arguments .... If W is missing or NULL, it defaults to the window containing x. Then W is converted to a binary pixel mask using as.mask. The arguments ... are passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution.

If weights are given, then the length of the intersection between line segment i and pixel j is multiplied by weights[i] before the lengths are summed for each pixel.

See Also

pixellate, as.mask, as.mask.psp. Use as.mask.psp if you only want to know which pixels are intersected by lines.


Run this code
  X <- psp(runif(10),runif(10), runif(10), runif(10), window=owin())
  plot(X, add=TRUE)
  plot(pixellate(X, what="n"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab