oce (version 0.9-23)

plot,topo-method: Plot a Topo Object


This plots contours of topographic elevation. The plot aspect ratio is set based on the middle latitude in the plot. The line properties, such as land.lwd, may either be a single item, or a vector; in the latter case, the length must match the length of the corresponding properties, e.g. land.z.


# S4 method for topo
plot(x, xlab = "", ylab = "", asp, clongitude, clatitude,
  span, expand = 1.5, water.z, col.water, lty.water, lwd.water, land.z,
  col.land, lty.land, lwd.land, geographical = FALSE, location = "topright",
  mgp = getOption("oceMgp"), mar = c(mgp[1] + 1, mgp[1] + 1, 1, 1),
  debug = getOption("oceDebug"), ...)



A topo object, i.e. inheriting from topo-class.

xlab, ylab

Character strings giving a label for the x and y axes.


Aspect ratio for plot. The default is for plot.coastline to set the aspect ratio to give natural latitude-longitude scaling somewhere near the centre latitude on the plot. Often, it makes sense to set asp yourself, e.g. to get correct shapes at 45N, use asp=1/cos(45*pi/180). Note that the land mass is not symmetric about the equator, so to get good world views you should set asp=1 or set ylim to be symmetric about zero. Any given value of asp is ignored, if clongitude and clatitude are given.


Optional center longitude of map, in degrees east; see clatitude.


Optional center latitude of map, in degrees north. If this and clongitude are provided, then any provided value of asp is ignored, and instead the plot aspect ratio is computed based on the center latitude. Also, if clongitude and clatitude are provided, then span must be, also.


Optional suggested span of plot, in kilometers (must be supplied, if clongitude and clatitude are supplied).


Numerical factor for the expansion of plot limits, showing area outside the plot, e.g. if showing a ship track as a coastline, and then an actual coastline to show the ocean boundary. The value of expand is ignored if either xlim or ylim is given.


Depths at which to plot water contours. If not provided, these are inferred from the data.


Colours corresponding to water.z values. If not provided, these will be "fill" colours from oce.colorsGebco.


Line type(s) for water contours.


Line width(s) for water contours.


Depths at which to plot land contours. If not provided, these are inferred from the data. If set to NULL, no land contours will be plotted.


Colours corresponding to land.z values. If not provided, these will be "fill" colours from oce.colorsGebco.


Line type(s) for land contours.


Line width(s) for land contours.


Logical, indicating whether to plot latitudes and longitudes without minus signs.


Location for a legend (or "none", for no legend).


3-element numerical vector to use for par(mgp), and also for par(mar), computed from this. The default is tighter than the R default, in order to use more space for the data and less for the axes.


Four-element numericl vector to be used with par("mar").


Numerical value, with positive values indicating higher levels of debugging.


Additional arguments passed on to plotting functions.

See Also

Other functions that plot oce data: plot,adp-method, plot,adv-method, plot,amsr-method, plot,argo-method, plot,bremen-method, plot,cm-method, plot,coastline-method, plot,ctd-method, plot,gps-method, plot,ladp-method, plot,lisst-method, plot,lobo-method, plot,met-method, plot,odf-method, plot,rsk-method, plot,satellite-method, plot,sealevel-method, plot,section-method, plot,tidem-method, plot,windrose-method, plotProfile, plotScan, plotTS, tidem-class

Other things related to topo data: [[,topo-method, [[<-,topo-method, as.topo, download.topo, read.topo, subset,topo-method, summary,topo-method, topo-class, topoInterpolate, topoWorld


Run this code
plot(topoWorld, clongitude=-60, clatitude=45, span=10000)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab