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spatstat (version 1.13-3)

plot.fasp: Plot a Function Array


Plots an array of summary functions, usually associated with a point pattern, stored in an object of class "fasp". A method for plot.


## S3 method for class 'fasp':
plot(x,formule=NULL, \dots,
                        subset=NULL, title=NULL, samex=TRUE,
                        banner=TRUE, outerlabels=TRUE,


An object of class "fasp" representing a function array.
A formula or list of formulae indicating what variables are to be plotted against what variable. Each formula is either an R language formula object, or a string that can be parsed as a formula. If formule is a list, its $k^{t
Arguments passed to plot.fv to control the individual plot panels.
A logical vector, or a vector of indices, or an expression or a character string, or a list of such, indicating a subset of the data to be included in each plot. If subset is a list, its $k^{th}$ component should be
Overall title for the plot.
Logical flag indicating whether all individual plots should have the same x axis limits. This makes it easier to compare the plots. It can only be set to FALSE if you are using the default plot style (i.e. only when formule<
Logical. If TRUE, the overall title is plotted.
Logical. If TRUE, the row and column names of the array of functions are plotted in the margins of the array of plot panels. If FALSE, each individual plot panel is labelled by its row and column name.
Vector of length 4 giving the value of the graphics parameter mar controlling the size of plot margins for each individual plot panel. See par.


  • None.


(Each component of) the subset argument may be a logical vector (of the same length as the vectors of data which are extracted from x), or a vector of indices, or an expression such as expression(r<=0.2)< code="">, or a text string, such as "r<=0.2"< code="">.

Attempting a syntax such as subset = r<=0.2< code=""> (without wrapping r<=0.2< code=""> either in quote marks or in expression()) will cause this function to fall over.

Variables referred to in any formula must exist in the data frames stored in x. What the names of these variables are will of course depend upon the nature of x.


An object of class "fasp" represents an array of summary functions, usually associated with a point pattern. See fasp.object for details. Such an object is created, for example, by alltypes.

The function plot.fasp is a method for plot. It calls plot.fv to plot the individual panels.

For information about the interpretation of the arguments formule and subset, see plot.fv.

Arguments that are often passed through ... include col to control the colours of the different lines in a panel, and lty and lwd to control the line type and line width of the different lines in a panel. See plot.fv.

The argument title, if present, will determine the overall title of the plot. If it is absent, it defaults to x$title. Titles for the individual plot panels will be taken from x$titles.

See Also

alltypes, plot.fv, fasp.object


Run this code
# Bramble Canes data.

   X.G <- alltypes(bramblecanes,type="G",dataname="Bramblecanes",verb=TRUE)
                    asin(sqrt(theo))) ~ asin(sqrt(theo)))

   # Simulated data.
   pp <- runifpoint(350, owin(c(0,1),c(0,1)))
   pp <- pp %mark% factor(c(rep(1,50),rep(2,100),rep(3,200)))
   X.K <- alltypes(pp,type="K",verb=TRUE,dataname="Fake Data")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab