HH (version 2.1-32)

plot.multicomp: Multiple comparisons plot that gives independent user control over the appearance of the significant and not significant comparisons.


Multiple comparisons plot that gives independent user control over the appearance of the significant and not significant comparisons. In R, both plot.multicomp plot.multicomp.hh coerce their argument to an "glht" object and plots that with the appropriate plot method. In S-Plus, plot.multicomp.hh augments the standard plot.multicomp to give additional user arguments to control the appearance of the plot. plot.matchMMC uses the plot.multicomp.hh code. plot.matchMMC must immediately follow a plot of an mmc.multicomp object and is applied to either the $mca or $lmat component of the mmc.multicomp object. plot.matchMMC is used as a tiebreaker plot for the MMC plot. plot.matchMMC matches the horizontal scaling of the MMC plot and displays the individual contrasts in the same order as the MMC plot. See mmc for examples.


## S3 method for class 'multicomp':
plot(x, ...) ## R only

## S3 method for class 'multicomp.hh': plot(x, ylabel = x$ylabel, href = 0, uniform = TRUE, plt.in = c(0.2, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9), x.label.adj=1, xrange.include=href, xlim, comparisons.per.page=21, col.signif=1, col.not.signif=1, lty.signif=4, lty.not.signif=4, lwd.signif=1, lwd.not.signif=1, ..., xlabel.print=TRUE, y.axis.side=2, ylabel.inside=FALSE)

plot.matchMMC(x, ..., xlabel.print=FALSE, cex.axis=par()$cex.axis, col.signif='red', main="", ylabel.inside=FALSE, y.axis.side=4)


A "multicomp" object.
Y label on graph.
Y labels are on the left by default when plotting a "multicomp" object. We move them to the right when matching the x-axis of an MMC plot.
other arguments to plot.multicomp.
Logical value, if FALSE (the default), the plot.matchMMC right-axis labels are in the margin. If TRUE, the right-axis labels are in the figure area. Setting the argument to TRUE makes se
reference line for the intervals. The default is 0. S-Plus only.
xlim will be extended to include these values. S-Plus only.
S-Plus only. Logical value, if TRUE and the plots fill more than one page, the scale will be uniform across pages.
S-Plus only. Value for par("plt") to make better use of the space on the plotting page.
S-Plus only. This is the par("adj") applied to the x-location of the y.labels on the multicomp plot.
x-range of the plot.
The default S-Plus plot.multicomp hardwires this to 21, which allows for all pairwise comparisons of 7 levels taken 2 at a time. The HH plot.multicomp makes it a variable. Use it together with plt.in
lty.signif, lwd.signif
Line type, and line width for significant comparisons. S-Plus only.
Color for significant comparisons. S-Plus only for plot.multicomp. Both R and S-Plus for plot.matchMMC.
col.not.signif, lty.not.signif, lwd.not.signif
Color, line type, and line width for non-significant comparisons. S-Plus only.
logical. When TRUE, the caption under the plot is printed. When FALSE, the caption under the plot is not printed. It is helpful to set this to FALSE when the multicomp plot is used as
cex for axis ticklabels.
Main title for plot.


  • plot.multicomp plots a "multicomp" object. In S-Plus, this masks the standard plot.multicomp in order to provide additional arguments for controlling the appearance. It defaults to the standard appearance. In R, it coerces its argument to an "glht" object and plots that with the appropriate plot method.


Heiberger, Richard M. and Holland, Burt (2004b). Statistical Analysis and Data Display: An Intermediate Course with Examples in S-Plus, R, and SAS. Springer Texts in Statistics. Springer. ISBN 0-387-40270-5.

Heiberger, R. M. and Holland, B. (2006). "Mean--mean multiple comparison displays for families of linear contrasts." Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 15:937--955.

See Also

mmc in both languages,#ifndef S-Plus glht. #endif #ifdef S-Plus multicomp. #endif


Run this code
## data and ANOVA
catalystm <- read.table(hh("datasets/catalystm.dat"), header=FALSE,
catalystm$catalyst <- factor(catalystm$catalyst, labels=c("A","B","C","D"))

catalystm1.aov <- aov(concent ~ catalyst, data=catalystm)

catalystm.mca <-
if.R(r=glht(catalystm1.aov, linfct = mcp(catalyst = "Tukey")),
     s=multicomp(catalystm1.aov, plot=FALSE))
     r=plot(confint(catalystm.mca, calpha=qtukey(.95, 4, 12)/sqrt(2))))
       ## calpha is strongly recommended in R with a large number of levels
       ## See ?MMC for details.

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab