growthPheno (version 1.0-21)

plotLongitudinal: Plots longitudinal data for a set of indiividuals


Produce profile or longitudinal plots of a response using ggplot. A line is drawn for the data for each individual and the plot can be facetted so that a grid of plots is produced. For each facet a line for the medians over time can be added, along with the vaue of the outer whiskers (median +/- 1.5 * IQR).

Warning: longiPlot will be deprecated in future versions, its synonym plotLongitudinal being preferred.


plotLongitudinal(data, x = "xDays+44.5", response = "Area", 
                 individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag", title = NULL, 
                 x.title = "Days", y.title = "Area (kpixels)", 
                 facet.x = "Treatment.1", facet.y = "Smarthouse", 
                 labeller = NULL, colour = "black", 
                 colour.column = NULL, colour.values = NULL, 
                 alpha = 0.1, addMediansWhiskers = FALSE, 
                 xname = "xDays", ggplotFuncs = NULL, 
                 printPlot = TRUE)



A data.frame containing the data to be plotted.


A character giving the variable to be plotted on the x-axis.


A character specifying the response variable that is to be plotted on the y-axis.


A character giving the name(s) of the factor(s) that define the subsets of the data for which each subset corresponds to the response values for an individual.


Title for the x-axis.


Title for the y-axis.


Title for the plot.


A data.frame giving the variable to be used to form subsets to be plotted in separate columns of plots. Use "." if a split into columns is not wanted.


A data.frame giving the variable to be used to form subsets to be plotted in separate rows of plots. Use "." if a split into columns is not wanted.


A ggplot function for labelling the facets of a plot produced using the ggplot function. For more information see ggplot.


A character specifying a single colour to use in drawing the lines for the profiles. If colouring according to the values of a variable is required then use colour.column.


A character giving the name of a column in data over whose values the colours of the lines are to be varied. The colours can be specified using colour.values .


A character vector specifying the values of the colours to use in drawing the lines for the profiles. If this is a named vector, then the values will be matched based on the names. If unnamed, values will be matched in order (usually alphabetical) with the limits of the scale.


A numeric specifying the degrees of transparency to be used in plotting. It is a ratio in which the denominator specifies the number of points (or lines) that must be overplotted to give a solid cover.


A logical indicating whether plots over time of the medians and outer whiskers are to be added to the plot. The outer whiskers are related to the whiskers on a box-and-whisker and are defined as the median plus (and minus) 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR). Points lying outside the whiskers are considered to be potential outliers.


A character giving the name of the numeric that contains the values of the predictor variable from which x is derived, it being that x may incorporate an expression.


A list, each element of which contains the results of evaluating a ggplot function. It is created by calling the list function with a ggplot function call for each element.


A logical indicating whether or not to print the plot.


An object of class "ggplot", which can be plotted using print.

See Also

ggplot, labeller.


Run this code
plotLongitudinal(data = longi.dat, response = "Area.smooth")

plt <- plotLongitudinal(data = longi.dat, response = "Area.smooth", x.title = "DAP",  
                        y.title = "Area.smooth", x="xDays+35.42857143", printPlot=FALSE)
plt <- plt + ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=29, linetype="longdash", size=1) +
             ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(28, 42, by=2)) + 

plotLongitudinal(data = longi.dat, response = "Area.smooth", x.title = "DAP",  
                 y.title = "Area.smooth", x="xDays+35.42857143", 
                 ggplotFuncs = list(ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=29, linetype="longdash", 
                                    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(28, 42, by=2)), 
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab