mlr (version 2.10)

plotViperCharts: Visualize binary classification predictions via ViperCharts system.


This includes ROC, lift charts, cost curves, and so on. Please got to for further info. For resampled learners, the predictions from different iterations are combined into one. That is, for example for cross-validation, the predictions appear on a single line even though they were made by different models. There is currently no facility to separate the predictions for different resampling iterations.


plotViperCharts(obj, chart = "rocc", browse = TRUE, auth.key = NULL, = NULL)


[(list of) Prediction | (list of) ResampleResult | BenchmarkResult] Single prediction object, list of them, single resample result, list of them, or a benchmark result. In case of a list probably produced by different learners you want to compare, then name the list with the names you want to see in the plots, probably learner shortnames or ids.
[character(1)] First chart to display in focus in browser. All other charts can be displayed by clicking on the browser page menu. Default is “rocc”.
[logical(1)] Open ViperCharts plot in web browser? If not you simple get the URL returned. Calls browseURL. Default is TRUE.
[character(1)] API key to use for call to Viper charts website. Only required if you want the chart to be private. Default is NULL.
[character(1)] Selected task in BenchmarkResult to do plots for, ignored otherwise. Default is first task.


[character(1)]. Invisibly returns the ViperCharts URL.


Sluban and Lavrač - ViperCharts: Visual Performance Evaluation Platform, ECML PKDD 2013, pp. 650-653, LNCS 8190, Springer, 2013.

See Also

Other roc: asROCRPrediction, calculateROCMeasures Other predict: asROCRPrediction, getPredictionProbabilities, getPredictionResponse, predict.WrappedModel, setPredictThreshold, setPredictType


Run this code
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# lrn1 = makeLearner("classif.logreg", predict.type = "prob")
# lrn2 = makeLearner("classif.rpart", predict.type = "prob")
# b = benchmark(list(lrn1, lrn2), pid.task)
# z = plotViperCharts(b, chart = "lift", browse = TRUE)
## ---------------------------------------------

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab