hydroPSO (version 0.5-1)

plot_NparOF: N 2-dimensional plots of Parameter Values against the Objective Function


For n user-defined parameters, the function creates sum(1:(npar-1)) plot_2parOF plots, with the values of the objective function in a 2D box, where the boundaries of each parameter are used as axis The sum(1:(npar-1)) plots corresponds to all the possible combinations of 2 parameters among all the n parameters provided


plot_NparOF(params, gofs, param.names=colnames(params), 
         MinMax=c(NULL,"min","max"), beh.thr=NA, nrows="auto", 
         gof.name="GoF", main=paste(gof.name, "Surface"), GOFcuts="auto", 
         colorRamp= colorRampPalette(c("darkred", "red", "orange", "yellow", 
         "green", "darkgreen", "cyan")), points.cex=0.7, alpha=0.65, 
         axis.rot=c(0, 0), verbose=TRUE)



matrix or data.frame with the parameter values


numeric with the values of goodness-of-fit values for each one of the parameters in params (in the same order!)


character, names for the parameters in params that have to be plotted (param.names can be a subset of params)


character, indicates whether the optimum value in gofs corresponds to the minimum or maximum of the objective function. It is required when beh.thr is provided. Valid values are in: c(NULL, 'min', 'max') By default, MinMax=NULL which plot particles in the order they are provided in params and gofs in each one of the output figures If MinMax='min' place particles with lower goodness-of-fit values are plotted on top of those with larger values, in each one of the output figures, and vice-versa for MinMax='max'.


OPTIONAL numeric, threshold value used for selecting parameter sets that have to be used in the analysis (‘behavioural parameters’, using the GLUE terminology) If MinMax='min', only parameter sets with a goodness-of-fit value (given by gofs) less than or equal to beh.thr will be considered for the subsequent analysis. If MinMax='max', only parameter sets with a goodness-of-fit value (given by gofs) greater than or equal to beh.thr will be considered for the subsequent analysis


numeric, number of rows to be used in the plotting window If nrows='auto' the number of columns is automatically computed depending on the number of parameters in params


character, name of the objective function to be plotted. It has to correspond to the name of one column of params It is used as title for the legend of the final figure.


character, currently not used


numeric, specifies at which values of the objective function given in gofs the colours of the plot have to change If GOFcuts="auto" and MinMax=NULL, the intervals are defined by the (unique values of the) gofs quantiles corresponding to the following probabilities: probs=c(0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 1) If GOFcuts="auto" and MinMax='min', the intervals are defined by the (unique values of the) gofs quantiles corresponding to the following probabilities: probs=c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.85, 0.9, 0.97, 1) If GOFcuts="auto" and MinMax='max', the intervals are defined by the (unique values of the) gofs quantiles corresponding to the following probabilities: probs=c(0, 0.03, 0.1, 0.15, 0.5, 0.75, 1)


R function defining the colour ramp to be used for colouring the pseudo-3D dotty plots of Parameter Values, OR character representing those colours


size of the points to be plotted


numeric between 0 and 1 representing the transparency level to apply to colorRamp, ‘0’ means fully transparent and ‘1’ means opaque


numeric vector of length 2 representing the angle (in degrees) by which the axis labels are to be rotated, left/bottom and right/top, respectively.


logical; if TRUE, progress messages are printed

See Also

plot_2parOF, read_results, plot_results, plot_GofPerParticle, plot_params, plot_ParamsPerIter


Run this code
# Number of dimensions to be optimised
D <- 5

# Boundaries of the search space (Rosenbrock test function)
lower <- rep(-30, D)
upper <- rep(30, D)

# }
# Setting the user's home directory as working directory

# Setting the seed

# Optimising the 'Rosenbrock' test function, and writing the results to text files
hydroPSO(fn=rosenbrock, lower=lower, upper=upper, control=list(write2disk=TRUE) ) 
# reading the 'Particles.txt' output file of hydroPSO
particles <- read_particles(plot=FALSE)
# plotting the value of each parameter and the objective function against the 
# values of the objective function
plot_NparOF(params=particles[["part.params"]], gofs=particles[["part.gofs"]],
            gof.name="Rosenbrock", alpha=0.5)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab