Rmpfr (version 0.7-1)

mpfr-distr-etc: Distribution Functions etc (MPFR)


For some R standard (probability) density, distribution or quantile functions, we provide MPFR versions.


dpois (x, lambda, log = FALSE)
dbinom(x, size, prob, log = FALSE)
dnorm (x, mean = 0, sd = 1, log = FALSE)

pnorm(q, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)


x,q, lambda, size,prob, mean,sd

numeric or '>mpfr vectors. All of these are “recycled” to the length of the longest one.

log, log.p, lower.tail

logical, see pnorm, dpois, etc.


A vector of the same length as the longest of x,q, ..., of class '>mpfr with the high accuracy results of the corresponding standard R function.


pnorm() is based on erf() and erfc() which have direct MPFR counter parts and are both reparametrizations of pnorm, erf(x) = 2*pnorm(sqrt(2)*x) and erfc(x) = 2* pnorm(sqrt(2)*x, lower=FALSE).

See Also

pnorm, dbinom, dpois in standard package stats.

pbetaI(x, a,b) is a mpfr version of pbeta only for integer a and b.


Run this code
x <- 1400+ 0:10
print(dpois(x, 1000), digits =18) ## standard R's double precision
dpois(mpfr(x, 120), 1000)## more accuracy for the same
dpois(0:5, mpfr(10000, 80)) ## very small exponents

print(dbinom(0:8, 8, pr = 4 / 5), digits=18)
      dbinom(0:8, 8, pr = 4/mpfr(5, 99)) -> dB; dB

print(dnorm(     -5:5), digits=18)
      dnorm(mpfr(-5:5, prec=99))
# }

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