factorial2x2 (version 0.1.0)

power12_12: Power of the 1/2-1/2 procedure


Computes the power of the 1/2-1/2 procedure, that is, the power to detect the simple A effect or the simple AB effect.


power12_12(n, hrA, hrAB, probA_C, probAB_C, crit12, cormat = matrix(c(1,
  0.5, 0.5, 1), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2), niter = 5, abseps = 0.001)



total subjects with n/4 subjects in each of the C, A, B, and AB groups


group A to group C hazard ratio; hrA < 1 corresponds to group A superiority


group AB to group C hazard ratio; hrAB < 1 corresponds to group AB superiority


event probability averaged across the A and C groups


event probability averaged across the AB and C groups


logrank statistic critical value for both the simple A and simple AB effects


asymptotic correlation matrix for the simple A and simple AB logrank statistics


number of times we call pmvnorm to average out its randomness


abseps setting in the pmvnorm call



power to detect the overall A effect


power to detect the simple A effect


power to detect the simple AB effect


power to detect the simple A or simple AB effects, i.e., power of the 1/2-1/2 procedure


For a 2-by-2 factorial design, this function computes the probability that either the simple A or the simple AB logrank statistics reject their null hypotheses using a crit12 critical value. When the two-sided familywise type I error is 0.05, we may use crit2x2 to compute crit12 = -2.22 which corresponds to a 0.0264 two-sided significance level. This is described in Leifer, Troendle, et al. (2019). The pmvnorm function from the mvtnorm package is used to calculate the power that both (intersection) the simple A and simple B effects are detected. pmvnorm uses a random seed in its algorithm. To smooth out the randomness, pmvnorm is called niter times and the average value over the niter calls is taken to be that power.


Leifer, E.S., Troendle, J.F., Kolecki, A., Follmann, D. Joint testing of overall and simple effect for the two-by-two factorial design. (2019). Submitted.

Slud, E.V. Analysis of factorial survival experiments. Biometrics. 1994; 50: 25-38.

See Also

crit2x2, lgrkPower, pmvnorm


Run this code
# Corresponds to scenario 5 in Table 2 from Leifer, Troendle, et al. (2019).
rateC <- 0.0445  # one-year C group event rate
hrA <- 0.80
hrB <- 0.80
hrAB <- 0.72
mincens <- 4.0
maxcens <- 8.4
evtprob <- eventProb(rateC, hrA, hrB, hrAB, mincens, maxcens)
probA_C <- evtprob$probA_C
probAB_C <- evtprob$probAB_C
corAa  <- 1/sqrt(2)
corAab <- 1/sqrt(2)
coraab <- 1/2
dig <- 2
alpha <- 0.05
crit12 <- crit2x2(corAa, corAab, coraab, dig, alpha)$crit12
n <- 4600
power12_12(n, hrA, hrAB, probA_C, probAB_C,
  crit12, cormat = matrix(c(1,0.5,0.5,1), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2),
  niter = 1, abseps = 1e-03)

# $powerA
# [1] 0.6203837

# $powerAB
# [1] 0.9226679

# $powerAandAB
# [1] 0.6018828

# $power12.12
# [1] 0.9411688

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab