multinma (version 0.1.3)

predict.stan_nma: Predictions of absolute effects from NMA models


Obtain predictions of absolute effects from NMA models fitted with nma(). For example, if a model is fitted to binary data with a logit link, predicted outcome probabilities or log odds can be produced.


# S3 method for stan_nma
  baseline = NULL,
  newdata = NULL,
  study = NULL,
  trt_ref = NULL,
  type = c("link", "response"),
  level = c("aggregate", "individual"),
  probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975),
  summary = TRUE



A stan_nma object created by nma().


Additional arguments (not used).


An optional distr() distribution for the baseline response (i.e. intercept) on the linear predictor scale, about which to produce absolute effects. For example, in a model with a logit link, this would be a distribution for the baseline log odds of an event. If NULL, predictions are produced using the baseline response for each study in the network with IPD or arm-based AgD.


Only required if a regression model is fitted and baseline is specified. A data frame of covariate details, for which to produce predictions. Column names must match variables in the regression model.

If type = "aggregate" this should either be a data frame with integration points as produced by add_integration() (one row per study), or a data frame with individual covariate values (one row per individual) which are summarised over.

If type = "individual" this should be a data frame of individual covariate values, one row per individual.

If NULL, predictions are produced for all studies with IPD and/or arm-based AgD in the network, depending on the value of type.


Column of newdata which specifies study names or IDs. When not specified: if newdata contains integration points produced by add_integration(), studies will be labelled sequentially by row; otherwise data will be assumed to come from a single study.


Treatment to which the baseline response distribution refers, if baseline is specified. By default, the baseline response distribution will refer to the network reference treatment. Coerced to character string.


Whether to produce predictions on the "link" scale (the default, e.g. log odds) or "response" scale (e.g. probabilities).


The level at which predictions are produced, either "aggregate" (the default), or "individual". If baseline is not specified, predictions are produced for all IPD studies in the network if type is "individual" or "aggregate", and for all arm-based AgD studies in the network if type is "aggregate".


Numeric vector of quantiles of interest to present in computed summary, default c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)


Logical, calculate posterior summaries? Default TRUE.


A nma_summary object if summary = TRUE, otherwise a list containing a 3D MCMC array of samples and (for regression models) a data frame of study information.

See Also

plot.nma_summary() for plotting the predictions.


Run this code
## Smoking cessation
# Set up network of smoking cessation data

smk_net <- set_agd_arm(smoking,
                       study = studyn,
                       trt = trtc,
                       r = r,
                       n = n,
                       trt_ref = "No intervention")

# Print details

# }
# Fitting a random effects model
smk_fit_RE <- nma(smk_net,
                  trt_effects = "random",
                  prior_intercept = normal(scale = 100),
                  prior_trt = normal(scale = 100),
                  prior_het = normal(scale = 5))

# }
# }
# Predicted log odds of success in each study in the network

# Predicted probabilities of success in each study in the network
(smk_pred_RE <- predict(smk_fit_RE, type = "response"))
plot(smk_pred_RE, ref_line = c(0, 1))

# Predicted probabilities in a population with a baseline log odds of
# response on No Intervantion given a Normal distribution with mean -2
# and SD 0.15
predict(smk_fit_RE, baseline = distr(qnorm, mean = -2, sd = 0.15))
# }
## Plaque psoriasis ML-NMR
# Set up plaque psoriasis network combining IPD and AgD
pso_ipd <- filter(plaque_psoriasis_ipd,
                  studyc %in% c("UNCOVER-1", "UNCOVER-2", "UNCOVER-3"))

pso_agd <- filter(plaque_psoriasis_agd,
                  studyc == "FIXTURE")


pso_ipd <- pso_ipd %>%
  mutate(# Variable transformations
    bsa = bsa / 100,
    prevsys = as.numeric(prevsys),
    psa = as.numeric(psa),
    weight = weight / 10,
    durnpso = durnpso / 10,
    # Treatment classes
    trtclass = case_when(trtn == 1 ~ "Placebo",
                         trtn %in% c(2, 3, 5, 6) ~ "IL blocker",
                         trtn == 4 ~ "TNFa blocker"),
    # Check complete cases for covariates of interest
    complete = complete.cases(durnpso, prevsys, bsa, weight, psa)

pso_agd <- pso_agd %>%
    # Variable transformations
    bsa_mean = bsa_mean / 100,
    bsa_sd = bsa_sd / 100,
    prevsys = prevsys / 100,
    psa = psa / 100,
    weight_mean = weight_mean / 10,
    weight_sd = weight_sd / 10,
    durnpso_mean = durnpso_mean / 10,
    durnpso_sd = durnpso_sd / 10,
    # Treatment classes
    trtclass = case_when(trtn == 1 ~ "Placebo",
                         trtn %in% c(2, 3, 5, 6) ~ "IL blocker",
                         trtn == 4 ~ "TNFa blocker")

# Exclude small number of individuals with missing covariates
pso_ipd <- filter(pso_ipd, complete)

pso_net <- combine_network(
          study = studyc,
          trt = trtc,
          r = pasi75,
          trt_class = trtclass),
              study = studyc,
              trt = trtc,
              r = pasi75_r,
              n = pasi75_n,
              trt_class = trtclass)

# Print network details

# Add integration points to the network
pso_net <- add_integration(pso_net,
  durnpso = distr(qgamma, mean = durnpso_mean, sd = durnpso_sd),
  prevsys = distr(qbern, prob = prevsys),
  bsa = distr(qlogitnorm, mean = bsa_mean, sd = bsa_sd),
  weight = distr(qgamma, mean = weight_mean, sd = weight_sd),
  psa = distr(qbern, prob = psa),
  n_int = 1000)

# }
# Fitting a ML-NMR model.
# Specify a regression model to include effect modifier interactions for five
# covariates, along with main (prognostic) effects. We use a probit link and
# specify that the two-parameter Binomial approximation for the aggregate-level
# likelihood should be used. We set treatment-covariate interactions to be equal
# within each class. We narrow the possible range for random initial values with
# init_r = 0.1, since probit models in particular are often hard to initialise.
# Using the QR decomposition greatly improves sampling efficiency here, as is
# often the case for regression models.
pso_fit <- nma(pso_net,
               trt_effects = "fixed",
               link = "probit",
               likelihood = "bernoulli2",
               regression = ~(durnpso + prevsys + bsa + weight + psa)*.trt,
               class_interactions = "common",
               prior_intercept = normal(scale = 10),
               prior_trt = normal(scale = 10),
               prior_reg = normal(scale = 10),
               init_r = 0.1,
               QR = TRUE)
# }
# }
# Predicted probabilities of response in each study in the network
(pso_pred <- predict(pso_fit, type = "response"))
plot(pso_pred, ref_line = c(0, 1))

# Predicted probabilites of response in a new target population, with means
# and SDs or proportions given by
new_agd_int <- data.frame(
  bsa_mean = 0.6,
  bsa_sd = 0.3,
  prevsys = 0.1,
  psa = 0.2,
  weight_mean = 10,
  weight_sd = 1,
  durnpso_mean = 3,
  durnpso_sd = 1

# We need to add integration points to this data frame of new data
# We use the weighted mean correlation matrix computed from the IPD studies
new_agd_int <- add_integration(new_agd_int,
                               durnpso = distr(qgamma, mean = durnpso_mean, sd = durnpso_sd),
                               prevsys = distr(qbern, prob = prevsys),
                               bsa = distr(qlogitnorm, mean = bsa_mean, sd = bsa_sd),
                               weight = distr(qgamma, mean = weight_mean, sd = weight_sd),
                               psa = distr(qbern, prob = psa),
                               cor = pso_net$int_cor,
                               n_int = 1000)

# Predicted probabilities of achieving PASI 75 in this target population, given
# a Normal(-1.75, 0.08^2) distribution on the baseline probit-probability of
# response on Placebo (at the reference levels of the covariates), are given by
(pso_pred_new <- predict(pso_fit,
                         type = "response",
                         newdata = new_agd_int,
                         baseline = distr(qnorm, -1.75, 0.08)))
plot(pso_pred_new, ref_line = c(0, 1))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab