skimr (version 2.0.2)

print: Print skim objects


skimr has custom print methods for all supported objects. Default printing methods for knitr/ rmarkdown documents is also provided.


# S3 method for skim_df
  include_summary = TRUE,
  n = Inf,
  width = Inf,
  n_extra = NULL,
  strip_metadata = getOption("skimr_strip_metadata", TRUE),

# S3 method for one_skim_df print( x, n = Inf, width = Inf, n_extra = NULL, strip_metadata = getOption("skimr_strip_metadata", TRUE), ... )

# S3 method for skim_list print(x, n = Inf, width = Inf, n_extra = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for summary_skim_df print(x, ...)



Object to format or print.


Whether a summary of the data frame should be printed


Number of rows to show. If NULL, the default, will print all rows if less than option tibble.print_max. Otherwise, will print tibble.print_min rows.


Width of text output to generate. This defaults to NULL, which means use getOption("tibble.width") or (if also NULL) getOption("width"); the latter displays only the columns that fit on one screen. You can also set options(tibble.width = Inf) to override this default and always print all columns.


Number of extra columns to print abbreviated information for, if the width is too small for the entire tibble. If NULL, the default, will print information about at most tibble.max_extra_cols extra columns.


Whether tibble metadata should be removed.


Other arguments passed on to individual methods.

Methods (by class)

  • skim_df: Print a skimmed data frame (skim_df from skim()).

  • one_skim_df: Print an entry within a partitioned skim_df.

  • skim_list: Print a skim_list, a list of skim_df objects.

  • summary_skim_df: Print method for a summary_skim_df object.

Printing options

For better or for worse, skimr often produces more output than can fit in the standard R console. Fortunately, most modern environments like RStudio and Jupyter support more than 80 character outputs. Call options(width = 90) to get a better experience with skimr.

The print methods in skimr wrap those in the tibble package. You can control printing behavior using the same global options.

Behavior in <code>dplyr</code> pipelines

Printing a skim_df requires specific columns that might be dropped when using dplyr::select() or dplyr::summarize() on a skim_df. In those cases, this method falls back to tibble::print.tbl().

Controlling metadata behavior

By default, skimr removes the tibble metadata when generating output. On some platforms, this can lead to all output getting removed. To disable that behavior, set either strip_metadata = FALSE when calling print or use options(skimr_strip_metadata = FALSE).

See Also

tibble::trunc_mat() For a list of global options for customizing print formatting.