spatstat.core (version 2.1-2)

spatstat.core-internal: Internal spatstat.core functions


Internal spatstat.core functions.


# S3 method for localpcfmatrix
[(x, i, …)
# S3 method for rat
[(x, …)
accumulateStatus(x, stats)
adaptcoef(new.coef, fitcoef, drop)
adjust.ratfv(f, columns, numfactor, denfactor)
# S3 method for msr
affine(X, mat, vec, …)
ang2rad(ang, unit, start, clockwise)
areadelta2(X, r, …, sparseOK)
assemble.plot.objects(xlim, ylim, …, lines, polygon)
# S3 method for rppm
# S3 method for bw.optim, …)
# S3 method for fv, …)
augment.msr(x, …, sigma, recompute)
BartCalc(fY, fK)
bermantestCalc(fram, which, alternative, …)
bermantestEngine(model, covariate, which, alternative, …,
                 modelname, covname, dataname)
bigvaluerule(objfun, objargs, startpar, …)
bind.ratfv(x, numerator, denominator, labl, desc, preferred,
           ratio, quotient)
bt.frame(Q, trend, interaction, …, covariates,
         correction, rbord, use.gam, allcovar)
bw.optim(cv, h, iopt, …, cvname, hname, criterion,
         optimum, warnextreme, hargnames, unitname)
calc.DR(COV, z, Dim)
calc.NNIR(COV, z, pos, Dim)
calc.SAVE(COV, z, Dim)
calc.SIR(COV, z)
calc.TSE(COV, z, pos, Dim1, Dim2)
censtimeCDFest(o, cc, d, breaks, …,
     KM, RS, HAN, RAW, han.denom, tt, pmax)
change.default.expand(x, newdefault)
check.separable(dmat, covname, isconstant, fatal)
check.testfun(f, f1, X)
circticks(R, at, unit, start, clockwise, labels)
clarkevansCalc(X, correction, clipregion, working)
# S3 method for summary.kppm
coef(object, …)
# S3 method for summary.ppm
coef(object, …)
# S3 method for vblogit
coef(object, …) 
# S3 method for rat
compatible(A, B, …) 
compileCDF(D, B, r, …, han.denom, check)
condSimCox(object, nsim, …, window, n.cond, w.cond,
           giveup, maxchunk, verbose, drop)
cutoff2Dkernel(kernel, sigma, varcov, …, scalekernel, cutoff, fatal)
CVforPCF(bw, stuff)
datagen.runifpointOnLines(n, L)
datagen.runifpoisppOnLines(lambda, L)
datagen.rpoisppOnLines(lambda, L, lmax, …, check)
default.clipwindow(object, epsilon)
deltasuffstat(model, …,
              restrict, dataonly, sparseOK, quadsub,
              force, warn.forced, verbose, use.special)
Deviation(x, ref, leaveout, n, xi)
# S3 method for ppmInfluence
dfbetas(model, …)
densitycrossEngine(Xdata, Xquery, sigma, …,
                    kernel, scalekernel,
                    weights, edge, varcov,
                    diggle, sorted, cutoff)
densitypointsEngine(x, sigma, …,
                    kernel, scalekernel,
                    weights, edge, varcov,
                    leaveoneout, diggle, sorted, spill, cutoff,
diagnose.ppm.engine(object, …, type, typename, opt,
                         sigma, rbord,, compute.cts,
                         envelope, nsim, nrank,
                         rv, oldstyle, splineargs, verbose)
digestCovariates(…, W)
digital.volume(range, nval, vside)
# S3 method for fasp
# S3 method for msr
# S3 method for fasp
# S3 method for fasp
dimnames(x) <- value
# S3 method for msr
doMultiStraussHard(iradii, hradii, types)
dppmFixIntensity(DPP, lambda, po)
dppmFixAlgorithm(algorithm, changealgorithm, clusters, startpar)
envelopeEngine(X, fun, simul,
           nsim, nrank, …, funargs, funYargs,
           verbose, clipdata, 
           transform, global, ginterval, use.theory,
           alternative, scale, clamp,
           savefuns, savepatterns, saveresultof,
           nsim2, VARIANCE, nSD,
           maxnerr, rejectNA, silent, maxerr.action,
           internal, cl,
           envir.user, expected.arg, do.pwrong,
           foreignclass, collectrubbish)
envelopeProgressData(X, fun, …, exponent,
                     alternative, leaveout, scale, clamp,
                     normalize, deflate, rmin, 
                     save.envelope, savefuns, savepatterns)
envelopeTest(X, …, exponent, alternative,
            rinterval, leaveout, scale, clamp, tie.rule,
            interpolate, save.interpolant,
            save.envelope, savefuns, savepatterns,
            Xname, badXfatal, verbose)
# S3 method for hasenvelope
envelope(Y, …, Yname)
# S3 method for matrix
envelope(Y, …, rvals, observed, theory, funX,
  nsim, nsim2, jsim, jsim.mean,
  type, alternative, scale, clamp, csr, use.theory, nrank, ginterval, nSD,
  savefuns, check, Yname, do.pwrong, weights, precomputed, gaveup)
equalpairs(U, X, marked=FALSE)
evalCovar(model, covariate, …)
# S3 method for ppm
evalCovar(model, covariate, …, lambdatype,
          dimyx, eps, interpolate, jitter, jitterfactor,
          modelname, covname, dataname, subset) 
evalCovariate(covariate, locations)
evaluate2Dkernel(kernel, x, y, sigma, varcov, …, scalekernel)
expandwinPerfect(W, expand, amount)
ExpSmoothLog(X, …, at, weights)
# S3 method for slrm
extractAIC(fit, scale = 0, k = 2, …)
fakeNeyScot(Y, lambda, win, saveLambda, saveparents)
# S3 method for vblogit
family(object, …)
fasp(fns, which, formulae, dataname, title, rowNames, colNames, checkfv)
f3engine(x, y, z, box, vside, range, nval, correction)
f3Cengine(x, y, z, box, vside, rmax, nrval)
fill.coefs(coefs, required)
findCovariate(covname, scope, scopename=NULL)
findcbind(root, depth, maxdepth)
fii(interaction, coefs, Vnames, IsOffset, vnameprefix)
# S3 method for msr
FormatFaspFormulae(f, argname)
fvlabels(x, expand=FALSE)
fvlabels(x) <- value
fvlabelmap(x, dot=TRUE)
fvlegend(object, elang)
g3engine(x, y, z, box, rmax, nrval, correction)
g3Cengine(x, y, z, box, rmax, nrval)
getdataname(defaultvalue, …, dataname)
getglmdata(object, drop=FALSE)
getSumFun(abbreviation, classname, ismarked, fatal)
geyerdelta2(X,r,sat,…,sparseOK, correction)
GLMpredict(fit, data, coefs, changecoef, type)

hackglmmPQL(fixed, random, family, data, correlation, weights,
            control, niter, verbose, subset, …, reltol)
hasenvelope(X, E)
handle.rshift.args(W, …, radius, width, height,
                   edge, clip, edgedefault)
hierarchicalordering(i, s)
hiermat(x, h)
ho.engine(model, …, nsim, nrmh, start, control, verb)
illegal.iformula(ifmla, itags, dfvarnames)
implemented.for.K(correction, windowtype, explicit)
impliedpresence(tags, formula, df, extranames=character(0))
impliedcoefficients(object, tag)
# S3 method for ppmInfluence
influence(model, …)
instantiate.interact(x, par)
intermaker(f, blank)
# S3 method for ppm
# S3 method for rmhmodel
# S3 method for mppm
is.marked(X, …)
# S3 method for msr
is.marked(X, …)
# S3 method for mppm
is.multitype(X, …)
# S3 method for msr
is.multitype(X, …)
# S3 method for mppm
k3engine(x, y, z, box, rmax, nrval, correction)
Kborder.engine(X, rmax, nr, correction, weights, ratio)
Knone.engine(X, rmax, nr, weights, ratio)
Krect.engine(X, rmax, nr, correction, weights,
             ratio, fname, use.integers)
Kount(dIJ, bI, b, breaks)
Kwtsum(dIJ, bI, wIJ, b, w, breaks, fatal)
Kpcf.kppm(model, what)
killinteraction(model), cc, d, breaks, KM, RS)
kppmComLik(X, Xname, po, clusters, control, weightfun, rmax,
           algorithm, DPP, …, pint)
kppmMinCon(X, Xname, po, clusters, control, statistic, statargs,
           algorithm, DPP, …)
kppmPalmLik(X, Xname, po, clusters, control, weightfun, rmax, 
           algorithm, DPP, …, pint)
kraever(package, fatal)
# S3 method for ppm
labels(object, …)
# S3 method for ppmInfluence
leverage(model, …)
localKengine(X, …, wantL, lambda, rmax, correction, verbose, rvalue)
localKmultiEngine(X, from, to,
           lambdaFrom, lambdaTo, …, rmax, wantL,
           correction, verbose, rvalue, sigma, varcov,
           lambdaX, update, leaveoneout,
           Iexplain, Jexplain, Ikey, Jkey, miss.update, miss.leave)
localpcfengine(X, …, delta, rmax, nr, stoyan, lambda, rvalue)
localpcfmatrix(X, i, …, lambda, delta, rmax, nr, stoyan)
logi.engine(Q, trend, interaction, …, 
            covariates, subsetexpr, clipwin,
            correction, rbord, covfunargs, allcovar, 
            vnamebase, vnameprefix, justQ, savecomputed, precomputed,
# S3 method for vblogit
logLik(object, …)
makefvlabel(op, accent, fname, sub, argname)
maskLaslett(X, …, eps, dimyx, xy, oldX, verbose, plotit)
mctestSigtraceEngine(R, devdata, devsim, …,
     interpolate, confint, alpha, exponent, unitname)
meanlistfv(z, …), W, …, what)
modelFrameGam(formula, …)
mpl.engine(Q, trend, interaction, …,
         covariates, subsetexpr, clipwin, covfunargs, correction,
	 rbord, use.gam, gcontrol,
         GLM, GLMfamily, GLMcontrol, famille,
         forcefit, nd, eps, allcovar, callstring,
         precomputed, savecomputed, preponly,
         rename.intercept, justQ, weightfactor)
mpl.get.covariates(covariates, locations, type, covfunargs, need.deriv)
mpl.prepare(Q, X, P, trend, interaction, covariates, 
            want.trend, want.inter, correction, rbord, Pname,
            callstring, …,
            covfunargs, allcovar, precomputed, savecomputed,
            vnamebase, vnameprefix, warn.illegal, warn.unidentifiable,
            weightfactor, skip.border, clip.interaction, splitInf)
MultiPair.checkmatrix(mat, n, matname, naok, zerook, asymmok)
# S3 method for fv
names(x) <- value
newformula(old, change, eold, enew, expandpoly)
nncleanEngine(kthNND, k, d, …, tol, maxit,
              plothist, lineargs, verbose, Xname)
nndcumfun(X, …, r)
objsurfEngine(objfun, optpar, objargs,
              …, dotargs, objname,
              ngrid, ratio, verbose)
optimStatus(x, call)
oversize.quad(Q, …, nU, nX, p)
# S3 method for listof
pairs(…, plot=TRUE)
# S3 method for solist
pairs(…, plot=TRUE)
# S3 method for localpcfmatrix
plot(x, …)
PoisSaddle(beta, fi)
PoisSaddleArea(beta, fi)
PoisSaddleGeyer(beta, fi)
PoisSaddlePairwise(beta, fi)
polyLaslett(X, …, oldX, verbose, plotit)
PPMmodelmatrix(object, data, …, subset, Q, keepNA, irregular,
printStatus(x, errors.only)
pcf3engine(x, y, z, box, rmax, nrval, correction, delta)
pcfmulti.inhom(X, I, J, lambdaI = NULL, lambdaJ = NULL, …,
               r = NULL, breaks = NULL,
               kernel = "epanechnikov", bw = NULL, stoyan = 0.15,
               correction = c("translate", "Ripley"),
               sigma = NULL, varcov = NULL,
               Iname = "points satisfying condition I",
               Jname = "points satisfying condition J")
ploterodewin(W1, W2, col.edge, col.inside, do.plot, …)
ploterodeimage(W, Z, …, Wcol, rangeZ, colsZ, do.plot)
# S3 method for addvar
plot(x, …, do.points=FALSE)
# S3 method for bw.frac
plot(x, …)
# S3 method for bw.optim
plot(x, …, showopt, optargs)
# S3 method for lurk
plot(x, …, shade)
# S3 method for minconfit
plot(x, …)
# S3 method for parres
plot(x, …)
# S3 method for plotpairsim
plot(x, …)
# S3 method for qqppm
plot(x, …, limits=TRUE,
           limcol=if(monochrome) "black" else "red")
# S3 method for spatialcdf
plot(x, …, xlab, ylab)
# S3 method for default
ppm(Q, trend, interaction,
       …, covariates, data, covfunargs, subset, clipwin,
       correction, rbord, use.gam, method, forcefit, emend, project,
       prior.mean, prior.var,
       nd, eps, gcontrol, nsim, nrmh, start, control,
       verb, callstring)
ppmDerivatives(fit, what, Dcovfun, loc, covfunargs)
ppmInfluenceEngine(fit, what, …, iScore, iHessian, iArgs,
              drop, method, fine, precomputed, sparseOK,
              fitname, multitypeOK, entrywise, matrix.action,
              dimyx, eps,
# S3 method for vblogit
predict(object, newdata, type,, dispersion,
                          terms, na.action, …)
# S3 method for profilepl
predict(object, …)
prefixfv(x, tagprefix, descprefix, lablprefix, whichtags)
# S3 method for addvar
print(x, …)
# S3 method for bt.frame
print(x, …)
# S3 method for bw.frac
print(x, …)
# S3 method for bw.optim
print(x, …)
# S3 method for densityfun
print(x, …)
# S3 method for diagppm
print(x, …)
# S3 method for detpointprocfamily
print(x, …)
# S3 method for detpointprocfamilyfun
print(x, …)
# S3 method for envelope
print(x, …)
# S3 method for fasp
print(x, …)
# S3 method for fv
print(x, …, tight)
# S3 method for fvfun
print(x, …)
# S3 method for hasenvelope
print(x, …)
# S3 method for hierarchicalordering
print(x, …)
# S3 method for influence.ppm
print(x, …)
# S3 method for interact
print(x, …, family, brief, banner)       
# S3 method for intermaker
print(x, …)
# S3 method for isf
print(x, …)
# S3 method for laslett
print(x, …)
# S3 method for leverage.ppm
print(x, …)
# S3 method for localpcfmatrix
print(x, …)
# S3 method for lurk
print(x, …)
# S3 method for minconfit
print(x, …)
# S3 method for mppm
print(x, …)
# S3 method for msr
print(x, …)
# S3 method for parres
print(x, …)
# S3 method for plotppm
print(x, …)
# S3 method for plotpairsim
print(x, …)
# S3 method for profilepl
print(x, …)
# S3 method for quadrattest
print(x, …)
# S3 method for qqppm
print(x, …)
# S3 method for rat
print(x, …)
# S3 method for rmhcontrol
print(x, …)
# S3 method for rmhexpand
print(x, …, prefix=TRUE)
# S3 method for rmhmodel
print(x, …)
# S3 method for rmhstart
print(x, …)
# S3 method for rmhInfoList
print(x, …)
# S3 method for rppm
print(x, …)
# S3 method for Smoothfun
print(x, …)
# S3 method for summary.mppm
print(x, …, brief)
# S3 method for summary.rmhexpand
print(x, …)
# S3 method for summary.ssf
print(x, …)
# S3 method for vblogit
print(x, …)
quadBlockSizes(nX, nD, p, nMAX, announce)
ratfv(df, numer, denom, …, ratio), main, sub, i, j), main, sub, i)
rebadge.fv(x, new.ylab, new.fname, tags, new.desc, new.labl, new.yexp,
           new.dotnames, new.preferred, new.formula, new.tags)
rebadgeLabels(x, new.fname)
reduceformula(fmla, deletevar, verbose)
reheat(model, invtemp)
RelevantDeviation(x, alternative, clamp, scaling)
rename.fv(x, fname, ylab, yexp)
# S3 method for msr
rescale(X, s, unitname)
resolveEinfo(x, what, fallback, warn, atomic)
resolve.foxall.window(X, Y, W, warn.trim)
resolve.lambda(X, lambda, …, sigma, varcov, leaveoneout, update)
resolve.lambda.cross(X, I, J, lambdaI, lambdaJ, …, lambdaX,
                     sigma, varcov, leaveoneout, update, lambdaIJ,
                     Iexplain, Jexplain, miss.update, miss.leave,
resolve.vargamma.shape(…, nu.ker, nu.pcf, default)
roseContinuous(ang, rad, unit, …,
               start, clockwise, main, labels, at, do.plot)
# S3 method for msr
rotate(X, angle, …, centre)
quadrat.testEngine(X, nx, ny, alternative, method, conditional, CR, 
     …, nsim, Xcount, xbreaks, ybreaks, tess, fit, df.est, Xname, fitname)
resid4plot(RES, plot.neg, plot.smooth,
           spacing, outer, srange, monochrome, main,
           xlab, ylab, rlab, col.neg, col.smooth, …)
resid1plot(RES, opt, plot.neg, plot.smooth,
              srange, monochrome, main,
              add, show.all, do.plot, col.neg, col.smooth, …)
resid1panel(observedX, observedV,
            theoreticalX, theoreticalV, theoreticalSD,
            xlab,ylab, …, do.plot)
            sigma, varcov, x, mindist, adjust, bwfun,
rhohatEngine(model, covariate, reference, volume, …,
               subset, weights, method, horvitz, smoother, resolution, 
               n, bw, adjust, from, to, 
               bwref, covname, covunits, confidence, modelcall, callstring)
rhohatCalc(ZX, Zvalues, lambda, denom, …,
           weights, lambdaX,
           method, horvitz, smoother,
           n, bw, adjust, from, to, 
           bwref, covname, confidence, positiveCI, markovCI,
           covunits, modelcall, callstring, savestuff)
rMaternInhibition(type, kappa, r, win, stationary, …, nsim, drop)
rmax.Rigid(X, g)
rmax.rule(fun, W, lambda)
# S3 method for rmhcontrol
# S3 method for list
rmhEngine(InfoList, …, verbose, kitchensink, preponly, snoop,
                           overrideXstart, overrideclip) 
rmhResolveControl(control, model)
rmhResolveExpansion(win, control, imagelist, itype)
rmhResolveTypes(model, start, control)
rmhsnoop(…, Wsim, Wclip, R, xcoords, ycoords, mlevels, mcodes, irep, itype, 
     proptype, proplocn, propmark, propindx, numerator, denominator,
rmhSnoopEnv(Xinit, Wclip, R)
# S3 method for rmhmodel
rmhmodel(model, …) 
# S3 method for rmhstart
rmhstart(start, …) 
# S3 method for list
rmhstart(start, …) 
rmpoint.I.allim(n, f, types)
rocData(covariate, nullmodel, …, high)
rocModel(lambda, nullmodel, …, high)
rpoint.multi(n, f, fmax, marks, win, giveup, verbose, warn, nsim, drop)
runifpoispp(lambda, win, …, nsim, drop)
runifpoisppOnLines(lambda, L, nsim, drop)
safevalue(x, default)
# S3 method for msr
scalardilate(X, f, …)
scanmeasure(X, …)
# S3 method for ppp
scanmeasure(X, r, …, method) 
# S3 method for im
scanmeasure(X, r, …)
scanPoisLRTS(nZ, nG, muZ, muG, alternative)
scanBinomLRTS(nZ, nG, muZ, muG, alternative)
second.moment.calc(x, sigma, edge, what, …,
                   varcov, expand, obswin, npts, debug)
second.moment.engine(x, sigma, edge, what, …,
      kernel, scalekernel, obswin, varcov, npts, debug, fastgauss)
sewpcf(d, w, denargs, lambda2area, divisor)
sewsmod(d, ff, wt, Ef, rvals, method="smrep", …, nwtsteps=500)
# S3 method for influence.ppm
shift(X, …)
# S3 method for leverage.ppm
shift(X, …)
# S3 method for msr
shift(X, …)
# S3 method for quadrattest
shift(X, …)
signalStatus(x, errors.only)
# S3 method for profilepl
simulate(object, …)
simulrecipe(type, expr, envir, csr, pois, constraints)
slr.prepare(CallInfo, envir, data, dataAtPoints, splitby, clip)
slrAssemblePixelData(Y, Yname, W, covimages, dataAtPoints, pixelarea)
# S3 method for solist
Smooth(X, …)
smoothcrossEngine(Xdata, Xquery, values, sigma, …,
                    weights, varcov,
                    kernel, scalekernel, sorted, cutoff)
smoothpointsEngine(x, values, sigma, …,
                   kernel, scalekernel,
                   weights, varcov, leaveoneout, sorted, cutoff, debug)
spatstatClusterModelInfo(name, onlyPCP)
spatialCDFframe(model, covariate, …, jitter)
spatialCDFtest(model, covariate, test, …,
         dimyx, eps, interpolate, jitter,
         nsim, verbose, modelname, covname, dataname)
spatialCDFtestCalc(fra, test, …, details)
sphere.volume(range, nval = 10)
splitHybridInteraction(coeffs, inte)
sp.foundclass(cname, inlist, formalname, argsgiven)             
sp.foundclasses(cnames, inlist, formalname, argsgiven)
suffstat.generic(model, X, callstring)
suffstat.poisson(model, X, callstring)
summarise.trend(trend, w, a)
# S3 method for envelope
# S3 method for mppm
summary(object, …, brief=FALSE)
# S3 method for msr
summary(object, …)
# S3 method for profilepl
summary(object, …)
# S3 method for rmhexpand
summary(object, …)
# S3 method for vblogit
summary(object, …)
thinjump(n, p)
tweak.coefs(model, new.coef)
tweak.fv.entry(x, current.tag, new.labl, new.desc, new.tag)
tweak.ratfv.entry(x, …)
twostage.test(X, …, exponent, nsim, nsimsub,
              alternative, reuse, leaveout, interpolate,
              savefuns, savepatterns, verbose, badXfatal, testblurb)
twostage.envelope(X, …, nsim, nsimsub, nrank,
                  alternative, reuse, leaveout, interpolate,
                  savefuns, savepatterns, verbose, badXfatal, testlabel)
# S3 method for msr
# S3 method for msr
unitname(x) <- value 
# S3 method for ippm
update(object, …, envir) 
# S3 method for msr
update(object, …) 
# S3 method for rmhstart
update(object, …)
validate2Dkernel(kernel, fatal)
validate.angles(angles, unit, guess)
validate.weights(x, recip, how, allowzero, allowinf)
varcountEngine(g, B, lambdaB, f)

weightedclosepairs(X, r, correction, what)
X2testEngine(OBS, EXP, …, method, CR, df, nsim,
     conditional, alternative, testname, dataname)



The return values of these functions are not documented, and may change without warning.


These internal spatstat.core functions should not be called directly by the user. Their names and capabilities may change without warning from one version of spatstat.core to the next.