raster (version 1.1.7)

projectRaster: project a RasterLayer


Change the projection of a RasterLayer. projecExtent returns a RasterLayer with a projected extent, but without any values. This RasterLayer can then be used as 'to' RasterLayer in projectRaster. projectRaster computes values for the cells of the new RasterLayer.


projectRaster(from, to, method="ngb", filename="", ...) 
projectExtent(object, crs)


a RasterLayer object
a Raster* object
method used to compute values for the new RasterLayer. Either 'ngb' (nearest neighbor) or 'bilinear' (bilinear interpolation).
character. output filename
additional arguments. See Details.
Extent or Raster* object
Character or object of class CRS. PROJ4 type descriptin of the coordinate reference system


  • A RasterLayer object, and, in some cases, the side-effect of a raster file written to disk.


First create a template RasterLayer with a projected extent; also set the number of rows and columns (or the resolution); and perhaps adjust the extent. Then use that object to project the input RasterLayer to. The resolution of the output RasterLayer should not be much larger of that of the input RasterLayer. See projInfo('proj'), projInfo('ellps'), and projInfo('datum') for options for valid PROJ.4 strings. You can consult this page: http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/proj_list/ to find the parameter options and names for projections. Projection is performed using the PROJ.4 library accesed through the rgdal package. Also see ?CRS The following additional arguments can be passed, to replace default values for this function rll{ overwrite Logical. If TRUE, "filename" will be overwritten if it exists format Character. Output file type. See writeRaster datatype Character. Output data type. See dataType progress Character. Valid values are "text", "tcltk", "windows" (on that platform only) and "" }

See Also

CRS-class, projInfo


Run this code
# create a new (not projected) RasterLayer with cellnumbers as values
r <- raster(xmn=-110, xmx=-90, ymn=40, ymx=60, ncols=40, nrows=40)
r <- setValues(r, 1:ncell(r))
# proj.4 projection description
newproj <- "+proj=lcc +lat_1=48 +lat_2=33 +lon_0=-100 +ellps=WGS84"

# create a new RasterLayer with a projected extent (no values are transferred)
if (require(rgdal)) {
pr <- projectExtent(r, newproj)
# Adjust the cell size 
res(pr) <- 200000

# project the values of RasterLayer 'r' to the new RasterLayer 'projras'
pr <- projectRaster(r, pr)
# inverse projection, back to the properties of 'r'
inv <- projectRaster(pr, r)

## using a higher resolution and bilinear interpolation
# res(pr) <- 10000
# pr <- projectRaster(r, pr, method='bilinear')
# inv <- projectRaster(pr, r, method='bilinear')
# dif <- r - inv
# plot(dif)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab