gmt (version 1.2-0)

pstext: Add Text/Symbols to GMT Map


Call GMT to add text/symbols to a map and save in postscript format.


pstext(x, cmd="-J -R -O -K", file=getOption("gmt.file"))


data frame, matrix, or filename containing the data to be plotted.
string of arguments passed to pstext.
filename where the map is saved.


Null, but the map is annotated and saved in postscript format.The temporary GMT input file ‘text.gmt’ is saved in directory dirname(tempdir()), for the user to view or edit. It is later removed by psclose().


The data are arranged in seven columns: Lon, Lat, Size, Angle, Font, Justify, and Text, in that order.

If x is a filename, the data should be tabular with or without a header, separated by commas or whitespace. The first line is interpreted as header if the first non-whitespace character is not minus, point, or number.

See the GMT documentation for details on pstext and other GMT commands.

See Also

Similar to text and postscript in native R graphics.

gmt, pscoast, psxy, pstext, psbar, and psclose work together to draw maps.

gmt-package gives an overview of the package.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# # Draw map and save as "map.eps" in current working directory
# gmt(demo.par)
# pscoast(demo.coast)
# psxy(demo.xy)
# pstext(demo.text)
# psbar(, ref=66)
# psclose()
# # See directory gmt/example for details
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab