forestError (version 0.1.0)

qerror: Estimated conditional prediction error quantile functions


Returns quantiles of the estimated conditional error distribution associated with each test prediction.


qerror(p, xs)



A vector of probabilities.


A vector of the indices of the test observations for which the conditional error quantiles are desired. Defaults to all test observations given in the call of quantForestError.


If either p or xs has length one, then a vector is returned with the desired quantiles. If both have length greater than one, then a data.frame of quantiles is returned, with rows corresponding to the inputted xs and columns corresponding to the inputted p.


This function is only defined as output of the quantForestError function. It is not exported as a standalone function. See the example.

See Also



Run this code
# load data

# remove observations with missing predictor variable values
airquality <- airquality[complete.cases(airquality), ]

# get number of observations and the response column index
n <- nrow(airquality)
response.col <- 1

# split data into training and test sets
train.ind <- sample(1:n, n * 0.9, replace = FALSE)
Xtrain <- airquality[train.ind, -response.col]
Ytrain <- airquality[train.ind, response.col]
Xtest <- airquality[-train.ind, -response.col]
Ytest <- airquality[-train.ind, response.col]

# fit random forest to the training data
rf <- randomForest::randomForest(Xtrain, Ytrain, nodesize = 5,
                                 ntree = 500,
                                 keep.inbag = TRUE)

# estimate conditional error distribution functions
output <- quantForestError(rf, Xtrain, Xtest,
                           what = c("p.error", "q.error"))

# get the 0.25 and 0.8 quantiles of the error distribution
# associated with each test prediction
output$qerror(c(0.25, 0.8))

# same as above but only for the first three test observations
output$qerror(c(0.25, 0.8), 1:3)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab